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 Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**

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Diego Dário
Laurent Binet
Franck Mercurio
Florkin Marc
Antoine de Mautor
9 posters
Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan 2012 - 19:55

Alberto Ibañez made this very neat skinpack to add diversity to the field and get closer to historical accuracy. Please download it for the forecoming races!

ECGT 72 Porsches Skinpack

Drivers who already booked a Porsche 911 ST 2.4 must now choose which car they want to use for the rest of the season in -->THIS TOPIC<-- Wink


Alberto Ibañez a réalisé cet excellent skinpack pour ajouter de la diversité au peloton et se rapprocher autant que possible du réalisme historique. Merci de le télécharger pour les prochaines courses!

ECGT 72 Porsches Skinpack

Les pilotes ayant déjà réservé une Porsche 911 ST 2.4 sont priés de choisir une voiture qu'ils utiliseront jusqu'à la fin de la saison dans -->CE TOPIC<-- Wink

Quote :
/////////////// EURO GT 1972 PORSCHE SKINS ////////////////////////

1.- Description:

This is a set of 11 Porsche 911 ST skins for the European GT 1972 Championship at Historic Simracing Organisation.com

Cars included are:

#18 Horst Klauke
#20 Hans-Peter Joisten
#31 Dominique Bardini
#32 Jean-Claude Ballot-Léna
#40 Klaus Schikentanz
#41 Michael Keyser (Le Mans 1972 conversion)
#42 Claude Haldi (Le Mans 1972 conversion but the car raced in the 1972 GT championship)
#43 Günther Steckkönig
#44 Jean Sage (Le Mans 1972 conversion)
#45 Jürgen Neuhaus
#80 John Fitzpatrick (Le Mans 1972 conversion but the car raced in the 1972 GT championship)

2.- Installation:

-Drop into your main rFactor folder. Since all of these are new skins, nothing will be overwritten.
Also, there are no new vehicle classes added, and all new cars will appear in the menu tree under:

"Real Series--->FIA Historic--->2006--->GTC-TC-76--->Porsche 911--->Porsche 911 ST"

3.- Known issues:

-Minor texturing glitch on the rear of the #40
-Some sponsors could not be identified due to not having quality pictures of the era. In those cases, the sticker was replaced with a similar one, period accurate.

4.- Permissions:

You are free to use the newly created skins as long as no money is made out of it. For reuse of the Le Mans converted ones outside of the original HistorX mod, contact the authors.

Alberto Ibañez 2012

Many thanks to Alberto :chinois:

Last edited by Antoine de Mautor on Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 21:37; edited 2 times in total
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Florkin Marc
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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan 2012 - 20:28

Quelle est la manipulation faire ?
Je comprend pas,c'est dû certainement à mon grand âge, mais je fait mon possible !

Si vous voulez m'aider ,c'est la Porsche 2,4 l "320" .

Merci d'avance Antoine

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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan 2012 - 20:33

C'est simple, tu mets le dossier "Gamedata" dans ton dossier "rFactor" (celui ou tu as installé le mod HGT), et tu l'autorises à écraser ce qu'il doit écraser, et après tu peux aller découvrir les nouvelles voitures dans la partie 2006 Wink
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Florkin Marc
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Number of posts : 846
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Registration date : 2008-11-18

Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan 2012 - 20:55

Merci Antoine,ce sera la 41


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Franck Mercurio
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Franck Mercurio

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan 2012 - 21:05

Excellent! Merci Alberto :clap: :top:
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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan 2012 - 23:59

et donc la je ne peux pas conserver ma voiture dud ébut de saison cad la 59 ? je vois qu'on l'a attribuée à quelqu'un
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2012 - 2:24

Boah non tu peux la garder si tu veux
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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2012 - 13:39

Sinon je vais en trouver une autre.
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Diego Dário
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Diego Dário

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2012 - 18:56

Amazing historical job you have done here Alberto,congratulations! :clap:

But i noticed that the green #34 Porsche of the champion from 1972,Fitzpatrick, is missing:

Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Niv-1972-34
Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Niv-1972-34-43
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2012 - 19:10

Isn't it in the game by default ?
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Diego Dário
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Diego Dário

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2012 - 19:19

Unfortunately no Frank. Neutral
there is a similar one though,in yellow. but the sponsor and driver is different.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2012 - 19:53

The #80 converted from Le Mans 72 (Already in the game) is the same car from the same driver and year; only they made the colour scheme different but with the same stripes and sponsors. Since the car was painted like that for Le Mans in june 1972, it is to be expected that it also ended the 1972 european GT championship like that. Smile

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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2012 - 20:35

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
The #80 converted from Le Mans 72 (Already in the game) is the same car from the same driver and year; only they made the colour scheme different but with the same stripes and sponsors. Since the car was painted like that for Le Mans in june 1972, it is to be expected that it also ended the 1972 european GT championship like that. Smile

Fantastic pack Alberto Wink Thank you!
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Tony DAndrea
Tony DAndrea

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Empty
PostSubject: Re: Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**   Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD** Icon_minitimeSun 28 Oct 2012 - 19:00

sorry if its in the wrong thread....just posting that i am still suffering from a mismatch....porsche 911_2.4S_HDV.....not sure why, i have reloaded historics 1.95 and the HSO skinpack for the porsches...but still no joy, hopefully it is not complicating things if i race online, as the server allows mismatches.

cheers to all tonight.

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Euro GT 1972 Porsches 2.4 Skinpack **PLEASE DOWNLOAD**
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