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 Round 14 - Brands Hatch [Nov 23th]

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Alberto Ibañez
Yves Plaçais
Carl Larrad
Alexandre Dussel
Philippe Martinelli
Gérard Ryon
Carlo Pozzi
Greg Hunt
Martin Audran
Jean-François Bovy
Vincent Beretta
Ben Paulet
Antoine de Mautor
Patrick Marucco
Frank Verplanken
Guillaume Siebert
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Robert Thurman

Number of posts : 49
Age : 75
Location : california
Registration date : 2011-03-13

Round 14 - Brands Hatch [Nov 23th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 14 - Brands Hatch [Nov 23th]   Round 14 - Brands Hatch [Nov 23th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 2 Apr 2018 - 15:59

David Sabre wrote:
There are some race videos from the US 1972 F5000 mod towards the bottom of this page. The mod caused errors for some people so it was dropped.

I already checked the youtube site. I was looking for the Tasman series. Just installed the F5000 for rFactor 2 and wanted to check out the Australian tracks. Thanks for all your work with GPL and rFactor. I think the Lola T340 is my all time favorite car to drive. And of course the F2/Atlantic are just amazing.
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Round 14 - Brands Hatch [Nov 23th]
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