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Julien Lafon
Pierre Pfleger
Carl Larrad
Gianluca Desposito
Ben Paulet
Greg Hunt
10 posters
Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
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Registration date : 2010-03-25

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PostSubject: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 13:37

mais qui trainer en plein milieu de la trajectoire hein ?? lol! lol! j ai ma petite idée monsieur l organisateur Very Happy

last lap sorry Carl Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 15:08

Mais tu es un grand malade, au milieu de la trajectoire, alors que je ne peux pas me mettre plus sur l'herbe que ça. Smile
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Registration date : 2010-03-25

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 15:20

lol! lol! ou disons plutot que c est Yannick qui n a pas eu la paire de Corones :rigol: :rigol: en freinant a cet endroit la , regarde ma caméra embarqué je ne peux strictement rien voir , d un coup Yannick freine et fait un écart a droite et soudain je te vois la au ralenti tranquillou Very Happy Very Happy d ailleurs une mention spéciale a Yannick car un tonneau pareil j avais encore jamais vu , quel artiste lol! lol!
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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Registration date : 2009-09-14

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 15:55

Is always interesting to see what has happened in the race lol!
Greg :top:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Registration date : 2008-12-20

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 16:27

Nice one Greg no worries ... :top:

I Watched the video several times and i would say it was 50/50
it was as much my fault as yours ....Just a racing accident Wink

As for when i hit Yannick on the straight ,i saw a small gap and i went for it only to see the gap disappear :aie:

We did have some fun :yaa:
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Pierre Pfleger
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Pierre Pfleger

Number of posts : 750
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Registration date : 2010-01-02

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 19:25

Carl, for me it's 100%your fault ... sorry. Embarassed Greg is inside, you should have seen him but you close right on his car... :hihi: :smil20: We can see you had a lot of fun. Lucky guys. Smile

Très belle glissade dans la première vidéo Greg. :top:
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Julien Lafon
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Julien Lafon

Number of posts : 676
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Location : Marly la ville (95)
Registration date : 2009-11-12

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 20:28

Moi je préfère le soleil de Yannick geek geek en plus il continue sans émotions Shocked lol!
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Yannick Lampure
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Yannick Lampure

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Registration date : 2009-02-23

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 20:56

tu parle sans émotions, obligé de jeter le caleçon après oui lol! lol!
je pensais jamais repartir :hihi: mai si :D
c'étais bien top cette bourre avec Carl et Greg :top:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Location : Swindon , UK
Registration date : 2008-12-20

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeWed 14 Sep 2011 - 21:38

Pierre Pfleger wrote:
Carl, for me it's 100%your fault ... sorry. Embarassed Greg is inside, you should have seen him but you close right on his car... :hihi: :smil20: We can see you had a lot of fun. Lucky guys. Smile

Très belle glissade dans la première vidéo Greg. :top:

I Have to confess im probably one of the only people here who drives with tv cockpit view as i like to be able to see more of the track in front of me i could not see just how close Greg was , i was just following the racing line that i had driven lap after lap and it was the last lap ......I Would never drive into someone on purpose and Greg knows that ...... :aie:

In the end it was me who paid the price ....This was a race for fun and fun was had by all ,we proved that
bring on the next open race :drink:
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeThu 15 Sep 2011 - 11:47

Quote :
I Have to confess im probably one of the only people here who drives with tv cockpit view as i like to be able to see more of the track in front of me i could not see just how close Greg was , i was just following the racing line that i had driven lap after lap and it was the last lap ......I Would never drive into someone on purpose and Greg knows that ......

In the end it was me who paid the price ....This was a race for fun and fun was had by all ,we proved that
bring on the next open race

The perspective and view does a lot ...

I contacted with Frank Verplanken's car on the 1st race while overtaking him, and I thought I might have crossed the track a bit after gaining position by harder braking and thus closing too much on him. But watching the replay from outside, it seemed to me that I held my line and it was more him instead coming to me, as he hit me while I was still touching the kerb (So having not crossed track). Then I rewatched the same thing from Frank's cockpit, and he was absolutely not at fault, as he left space and entered the turn right without any chance of seeing me at his side.

Conclusion: No matter how it looks from the outside, 99% of ocasions contacts and crashes are entirely unintentional, and watching from inside the supposed offending driver you can't fault him. Hey, racing is not easy :smil20:

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Pierre Pfleger
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Pierre Pfleger

Number of posts : 750
Age : 63
Location : Vosges
Registration date : 2010-01-02

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeThu 15 Sep 2011 - 12:17

Carl Larrad wrote:

I Would never drive into someone on purpose and Greg knows that ...... :aie:

I know it too Carl, I never thought you could have done it on purpose. And it's true, you stayed on the racing line. But there are often such accident in real life too and I'm sure nobody does it on purpose. It's only that it goes fast and you may be surprised.

I said it was 100% your fault and I maintain it cause Greg couldn't do anything to avoid it and he did no mistake so he can't be 50% responsible. But I never thought you did it on purpose, I know you're a gentleman Carl and these things hapend (and you should drive in cockpit view :D ).

And that's sure Alberto, racing is not easy ...
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Registration date : 2008-12-15

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeThu 15 Sep 2011 - 13:01

Il y a un sérieux problème dans ce mod avec le renversement des voitures. C'est trés moche à regarder et ça transforme des incidents de course d'une affligeante banalité en crashs monumentaux ...
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Franck Mercurio
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Franck Mercurio

Number of posts : 701
Age : 57
Location : toulouse
Registration date : 2010-05-01

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeFri 16 Sep 2011 - 12:34

Vincent Beretta wrote:
Il y a un sérieux problème dans ce mod avec le renversement des voitures. C'est trés moche à regarder et ça transforme des incidents de course d'une affligeante banalité en crashs monumentaux ...

Il suffit de regarder la voiture de Greg sans la carosserie pour comprendre:
drm spa vidéos R100-465

:hihi: lol!
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
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Registration date : 2010-03-25

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeFri 16 Sep 2011 - 12:39

:rigol: :rigol: :rigol: :rigol: :rigol: :rigol: :rigol: :rigol: :rigol: :rigol: c est juste
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Pierre Pfleger
Pro Driver
Pierre Pfleger

Number of posts : 750
Age : 63
Location : Vosges
Registration date : 2010-01-02

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PostSubject: Re: drm spa vidéos   drm spa vidéos Icon_minitimeSat 17 Sep 2011 - 10:11

Meme avec la carrosserie c'est un peu ça. L'avant de la Capri notamment me fait penser à une pelle à neige avec sa jupe très inclinée et c'est ce qui doit soulever les autres caisses. Mais c'est vrai que c'est très exagéré.
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