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 [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)

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3 posters
Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Empty
PostSubject: [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)    [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Icon_minitimeWed 12 Jan 2011 - 23:29

Quote :


Lula K. & friends are working on bringing Pedro’s F1 1982 mod for Grand Prix 4 to rFactor, adding another historical F1 season to the simulation.

Below are the newest previews of their work, showing various cars and the improved rFactor showroom in action. Included are previews of some very interesting wing configurations, specifically on the Arrows that sported a front wing in front of the cockpit.

1982 was a troublesome year for Formula One as both Gilles Villeneuve and Ricardo Paletti died during the course of the season. Two of the main technology themes in 1982 were mighty turbo engines and ground effect cars as Renault, Ferrari and Toleman made extensive use of the modern technology. Williams driver Keke Rosberg clinched the series title while the Scuderia Ferrari ended up victorious in the constructors championship.

[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Alfa1[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Alfa2[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Arrows1

[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Arrows2[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Renault1[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Renault2

[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Rfactoama[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Rfactonnn[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Rfactowvw

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Julien Lafon
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Julien Lafon

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[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)    [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Icon_minitimeThu 13 Jan 2011 - 8:09

Purée des vrais cercueils avec les jambes qui traversaient le train avant.
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Pascal Salar
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Pascal Salar

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[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)    [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Icon_minitimeThu 13 Jan 2011 - 16:20

L'aileron avant haut, c'était pour le soleil? lol!
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[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)    [rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)   Icon_minitime

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[rF mod] F1 1982 (WIP)
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