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 Brands Hatch update

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2 posters
Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Brands Hatch update Empty
PostSubject: Brands Hatch update   Brands Hatch update Icon_minitimeThu 18 Dec 2008 - 20:51

Voila un petit update graphique du circuit de Brands Hatch. Ce sont les textures de SLN avec un nouveau ciel, plus anglais Smile
C'est pas plus lourd pour le PC, c'est meme plus léger. Et ça ne provoque pas de mismatch online. A extraire dans "Gamedata/Locations/HSO-Brands Hatch".

Here is a small graphical update for the Brands Hatch track. These are the SLN textures with a new sky, more british Smile
It doesn't cause any mismatche online and it's even lighter for your PC. Extract it in "Gamedata/Locations/HSO-Brands Hatch".

Brands Hatch update 111ebedfe3fb4fd31a459e61837f3tt

Brands Hatch update D7e5d59d28ac697f4687a9aa1ce4att

Brands Hatch update 8ab3751e556d2579c54d6696adab2tt

Brands Hatch update 4ccc7dc39fa7e6883efe881e8ea93tt

Brands Hatch update 24281eeea3415550a8eeddbe25de5tt

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Bertrand Peres
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Bertrand Peres

Number of posts : 169
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Registration date : 2008-12-12

Brands Hatch update Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brands Hatch update   Brands Hatch update Icon_minitimeSun 26 Apr 2009 - 0:02

Quote :
550 CWD failed. "/rFactor/circuits/Update Brands Hatch.rar": directory not found.
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