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 Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino

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4 posters
Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Empty
PostSubject: Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino   Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Icon_minitimeSat 29 May 2010 - 15:31

Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino GxOWhl0 Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino GxOWmki


This guys are working on some classic cars of his country. The recent release are the IKA Renault Torino.

The IKA Torino (commercially named Renault Torino) its a meduim port car made in Argentina by IKA Industrias Kaiser Argentina, between 1966 and 1982, a Rambler American third generation based car powered by an Tornado Engine of 3,0 or 3,8 litres.


Mod Contains

Torino Streetcar:
380w and 380w Nürburgring Version
GS 200

Racing Series (Fictional)
Torino Berta V8

Ika Renault Torino Mod - rFactor
Installer Password: B375-VEEF


Full Showroom (default installed): http://www.4shared.com/file/lLE-laZ-/Garage_Ika_Renault_Torino.html

Light Showroom: http://www.4shared.com/file/yF2vd23C/Light_Garage_Ika_Renault_Torin.html
Password: coyote

Source: simracingafull.net
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Empty
PostSubject: Re: Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino   Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Icon_minitimeSat 29 May 2010 - 17:46

Nice ! Argentina had some really interesting cars and series, even a domestic F1 - I hope we will see some of these on rFactor !
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Empty
PostSubject: Re: Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino   Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Icon_minitimeSun 30 May 2010 - 10:09

AMC Rambler renamed Renault with a Ford name. :aie:
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Empty
PostSubject: Re: Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino   Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Icon_minitimeSun 30 May 2010 - 10:15

Were they built by IKEA Laughing
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Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Empty
PostSubject: Re: Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino   Classic cars from Argentina (rFactor) - Ika Renault Torino Icon_minitime

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