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 Bathurst Legends 1972

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Guillaume Siebert
Tiago Malafaya
Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi

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Bathurst Legends 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitimeSun 4 Apr 2010 - 8:15

In every possible way quite an improvement over the 1969 thing. These look and sound fabulous and the physics feel somewhat realistic to me. I think we should race these some day Cool

Go and grab it: http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Bathurst%20Legends%201972
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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Bathurst Legends 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitimeSun 4 Apr 2010 - 12:43

I downloaded it yesterday. I'll try it later :top:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Bathurst Legends 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitimeSun 4 Apr 2010 - 14:02

Yes it's not bad at all, but compared to similar cars in rFactor, the HGTTC mod's Mustang is much more fun than this mod imo Smile
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Bathurst Legends 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitimeSun 4 Apr 2010 - 14:48

Ive not tried the mod but i would like to try a Historic race at Bathurst one day ... Wink
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Dimitri De Koninck
Dimitri De Koninck

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Bathurst Legends 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitimeSun 4 Apr 2010 - 15:43

Did one with the GTC76 and that was great Very Happy (with a yellow pantera ... and I won cheers )
There is a beautifull video of the race that you can see HERE.
You need the create an account on LSR, if you don't have one
(just to avoid having excessive stress on the servers)
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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Bathurst Legends 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitimeMon 10 May 2010 - 23:31

I tried quicky this mod (only the Charger) on Mt Panorama 67'.
The mod is very good, and the car is fun to drive. The sounds are particularly successful.
Well, I like it, maybe because the handling is easy. Smile

Bathurst Legends 1972 Grab_010
Bathurst Legends 1972 Grab_011
Bathurst Legends 1972 Grab_012
Bathurst Legends 1972 Grab_014
Bathurst Legends 1972 Grab_015
Bathurst Legends 1972 Grab_016
Bathurst Legends 1972 Grab_017
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Stewart Amos
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Stewart Amos

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Bathurst Legends 1972 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitimeMon 7 Jun 2010 - 13:57

Hey guys,

As there was some mention of this elsewhere when discussing Aussie V8's, I was intrigued, and so thought I would download and try it,..Especially as I at one stage owned one of the Holden GTR-XU1 'Bathurst Specials'.

Mine was supplied to a Queensland team and was used as a support Vehicle and used for Travel and Display purposes. It 'bore' AMPOL sponsorship and although Filled with lovely little Trocky Factory 'Bits' like Compound wound springs, sodium filled Vales and Titanium Valve springs, it was De-Carbed and actually was running a 161 Hi Compression engine that were available to special order.
It had the taller, Diff and Gave Amazing Mileage and performance out on the Open Road.

I was Keen to Try the Mod being an Ex Owner of one of the real cars,..and I have to say, I was Sadly disappointed!

Major issue?,..gear change and the time it takes!! It's Like the car has a HUGE Flywheel,..Plus, they Revved Hard, but also had Torque, kinda like a BMW Six of that era only Less Exotic,..lol

The Original LC cars used specially sourced OPEL gearboxes (of which Mine was one), these had specially Lapped-in gears to handle the extra Torque and HP from the Larger 6 cylinder motor, the later LJ model utilising the GM M20 unit which whilst slightly slower and heavier was far more strong and robust as it was designed for small block v8's.

The Opel' like mine were fine until they went wrong, then it was Impossible, as there were NO off the shelf replacement parts and Gearbox Hell was the Only outcome. (Many LC Owners experienced this problem).
I ended changing mine to an M20 shortly before it was stolen Grrr.

Anywa, the thing is, the Motor was a Delight and would Pull to Near 7000, I limited Myself to about 6650 or so and tried to Not let it Lug down.
Although Pokey, it was extremely Docile and a Delight to Drive.
Mine had excellent Spring rates and ran with quite Soft roll bars, slightly tail up Nose down as was the Style and was in all Honesty, one of the Most Neutral handling cars I have had the Pleasure to Drive!
Sure it Didn't have the Awesome lateral Grip of some cars in that era and later, but in the Wet it was a Sheer delight.

The gearbox was Light and Fast and trhe Motor Extremely responsive.

I used it for Field work Travelling all around Eastern Australia and spent a LOT of time on the Dirt, you could drive it By Eye and Your Bum and the Throttle.
It Responded beautifully to Weight change in cornering,..and having owned and driven Mine for Many years Miles and Club events, I CAN Understand Why the car was Such a Weapon around bathurst!

Mine ahs been there but Not driven in Anger by myself,..Quickly Yes, but Never to the cars potential.

Sadly, the GTR XU1 in the Mod, feels Like driving a Leyland Truck, let's say a leopard!!,..ROFL

It Does make me wonder about the physics modelling of Mods like this when you Look at the Standard settings and Both front and rear shocks are set at the same amount, High in Both Comp' and Rebound !!????
My Real car was Quite Soft, Relatively,..Obviously Much harsher than a Road car, but until I have played with it a bit to see if I Can get it to handle 'Proper', I'd say it's just a shame.
Perhaps the Ford and Charger are better, haven't tried them yet.

Bit like that F5000 mod, a bit disappointing.

Will post some piccies of my car when I find them!!,..lol'

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PostSubject: Re: Bathurst Legends 1972   Bathurst Legends 1972 Icon_minitime

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