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 Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman

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5 posters
Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
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Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeFri 5 Mar 2010 - 12:11

What he says about Rolf Stommelen ,perhaps the pioneer driver of the Porsche 917 and others..Killed at Riverside in a 935...
no wonder my dad thought Redmond was so cool.. Laughing

:flag: :papy: :flag:
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Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
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Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeFri 5 Mar 2010 - 12:15

Milt Minter Jr wrote:
What he says about Rolf Stommelen ,perhaps the pioneer driver of the Porsche 917 and others..Killed at Riverside in a 935...
no wonder my dad thought Redmond was so cool.. Laughing

:flag: :papy: :flag:
The guy in the red sweater next to John Paul Jrs K-3 is Kevin Jeanette,Gunnar Jeanettes' dad and porsche Restorer,Budy of mine..
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeFri 5 Mar 2010 - 12:50

His name is Redman, not Redmond :D

Im not a big fan of this car, of course if was extremely fast, but i find it rather ugly :aie:
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeFri 5 Mar 2010 - 13:04

Funny to see Anny-Charlotte Verney in this illustrious gang lol ! She was a rather obscure racer...

I wonder if you saw the Legends of CanAm DVD Milt ? A gathering of former CanAm guys at Amelia Island a few years back. Jim Hall, Brian Redman, Peter Bryant, Oscar Koveleski, Hurley Haywood, Jackie Oliver, Bob Nagel, and others... Great stuff !
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Yannick Lampure
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Yannick Lampure

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Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeFri 5 Mar 2010 - 18:50

Alors la mon cher Guillaume t’a craqué-la ! Smile
Une 935, disons en Martini c’est pas beau. affraid
Arrff je rêve. Rolling Eyes
Tu me fais peur, Ludo sort de ce corps. :D
lol! lol!

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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeFri 5 Mar 2010 - 19:05

Ben ouais c'est pas beau, tout gros, tout carré. Gros son par contre Smile
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Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
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Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeSun 7 Mar 2010 - 0:48

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
His name is Redman, not Redmond :D

Im not a big fan of this car, of course if was extremely fast, but i find it rather ugly :aie:
I guess spelling is important here...This forum is pretty brutal..I think I'll move on TY! Evil or Very Mad
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeSun 21 Mar 2010 - 14:00

Hey Dude remember that one ?

Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman 1983&img=Mosport-1983-06-05-010b


The Adams Pontoon car, a strange animal with a 5.0 V8 Chevy on the right side and Milt Sr. on the left side lol! ! Herb Adams was a Pontiac engineer who periodically built one-off racing cars, this one was for the 1983 SCCA CanAm... and was a flop despite its top class driver Cool .

Has to be your dad's weirdest car, right ?
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeSun 21 Mar 2010 - 14:14

Milt Minter Jr wrote:
Guillaume Siebert wrote:
His name is Redman, not Redmond :D

Im not a big fan of this car, of course if was extremely fast, but i find it rather ugly :aie:
I guess spelling is important here...This forum is pretty brutal..I think I'll move on TY! Evil or Very Mad

No offense Milt, but I think mispelling names is very disrespectful for those dealt with... I.E I get pissed off when someone spell my name De Mautor instead of de Mautor, so poor old Brian Redman really doesn't deserve that if you know what I mean :smil20:
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Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
Age : 61
Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitimeWed 24 Mar 2010 - 0:08

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Hey Dude remember that one ?

Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman 1983&img=Mosport-1983-06-05-010b


The Adams Pontoon car, a strange animal with a 5.0 V8 Chevy on the right side and Milt Sr. on the left side lol! ! Herb Adams was a Pontiac engineer who periodically built one-off racing cars, this one was for the 1983 SCCA CanAm... and was a flop despite its top class driver Cool .

Has to be your dad's weirdest car, right ?
Wow,you found that POS...LOL..
Actually,Herb was always innovative(spelling,drunk again-illiterate Farm Boy)
He helped Build/design the GTO Pontiac,and quit when the gas crunch hit..Me and his son/mechanic-Trans-Am driver son ,Matt,have become best friends..They moved from Laguna Seca to Michigan to build their new hot-Rod,the Contessa..
Matt ran Ta in the 90's..
That picture was at Riverside..it cayght fire and burned his asss with gas..shame,interesting idea.,.
He and his budies came back to Sanger(outside of Fresno)..His budies ended up in a bar fight-lol
The whole story is long,so I won't bore you but I thank you Frankie! :flag: :frank: :flag:
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PostSubject: Re: Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman   Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman Icon_minitime

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Driving a 935 Porsche....Sir Brian Redman
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