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 Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say)

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2 posters
Aurelien Hamart
Aurelien Hamart

Number of posts : 12
Age : 45
Location : Morocco
Registration date : 2022-12-17

Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say) Empty
PostSubject: Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say)   Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say) Icon_minitimeTue 20 Dec 2022 - 8:46

Hello gentlemen,

I thought I have to introduce myself here too.
French dude, living in Northern Africa, 40+ yo.

Simracing has been a long journey for me so far. Since 2002 I tried various sims and equipment to finally ending up on rFactor1 for many years, and now rF2.

Absolutely fascinated with classic cars, these beauties are my everyday job since 20 years now too, mainly organizing events like regularity rallies or «concours d’élégance», but also being involved in some teams “life” during tremendous events like Panamericana, Monte-Carlo, Le Mans etc etc etc, but still I miss to know the Mille Miglia and the Targa Florio.

Well, this “world” having a cost I obviously can’t afford. Facing these legendary cars built up a strong desire to (one day) get one myself. But I still have to save money for that, that’s why I ended up in spare times administrating a classic Simracing league, organizing some long distance events, owning a virtual team to compete here and there…

After a campaign at HRRC by GPLaps (thanks Jake) I got in touch with Frank and now planning to participate in HSO races and give some help in the back office when needed.

Well that’s it, which is already too much said.
I might shine with more absence than presence, but I swear the most important is to like things done in proper manner, with maximum dedication.

We will meet up on track.

Frank Verplanken, Darren Andrews, Myfanwy Fflur, Martin Bayer, Martin Jaspers, Rob de Vries and David Purchase like this post

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Darren Andrews
Club Driver
Darren Andrews

Number of posts : 145
Age : 52
Location : Toronto, Canada
Registration date : 2022-10-21

Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say)   Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say) Icon_minitimeTue 20 Dec 2022 - 15:52

Great to see you here Aurelien! You had the best looking car in the HRRC by a mile!

Thank you for all your contributions to this mod Smile Looking forward to seeing you out on track and praying for no more sim racing mechanicals (disconnects)!

Martin Jaspers likes this post

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Aurelien Hamart
Aurelien Hamart

Number of posts : 12
Age : 45
Location : Morocco
Registration date : 2022-12-17

Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say)   Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say) Icon_minitimeTue 20 Dec 2022 - 15:55

Well, racing has always been an "extra". May I admit looking at cars in flat templates and in the showroom is part of racing? Expert in drying paints

Frank Verplanken, Darren Andrews and Martin Jaspers like this post

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PostSubject: Re: Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say)   Classic cars, enthusiast (if I may say) Icon_minitime

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