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 New Victim

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Myfanwy Fflur
Club Driver
Myfanwy Fflur

Number of posts : 92
Age : 26
Location : Modding, probably
Registration date : 2022-10-23

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PostSubject: New Victim   New Victim Icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2022 - 13:46


I've been roped into this by Frank, via the HRRC series where I've been helping out with simple liveries for that series. I've been loving historic/retro stuff lately and I've always loved endurance racing. Especially 24 Hour multiclass races.

Currently I'm doing some iRacing like the 49ers and RF2 1954 series for my online stuff. I'm almost always mediocre on pace, I'm just trying to finish the race.

I've always been doing a lot offline though, with a 90s NASCAR Cup series on NR2003, 90s BTCC series on GTR2 and I'm trying to compile as many full Le Mans grids for GTR2 as I can. Messing about with RF2 a little too, but getting what I want out of that sim on the offline side is...difficult. I love dumb cars with character that may not necessarily work, like the '54 Lagonda or the Volvo 850 Estate BTCC car.

I've learnt NR2003 AI behaviour creation/alteration in NR2003 where it's fairly simple and easy, but I'm interested in learning this for RF2 and GTR2. Though whenever I've tried it I've always clashed with the tools used for the proccess or the source of information that's meant to be teaching me the process. If anyone (for some reason) wants to see if you can get this stuff through my skull, I'd appreciate any help or pointers to any tutorials etc.

Forever tweaking and barely driving, always running out of time.

Darren Andrews and Martin Jaspers like this post

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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

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PostSubject: Re: New Victim   New Victim Icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2022 - 14:12

Hiya Toby and welcome !

You are too modest, you scored three times in four races in HRRC, no small feat ! It's also three times more than I managed :D !

Glad to have you around :top:

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