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 New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down

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2 posters
Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down Empty
PostSubject: New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down   New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down Icon_minitimeWed 31 Aug 2022 - 15:45

Hello everyone!  cheers

Most, if not all of you, have known and used the TrippTeam HTTP File Server, which used to be available at http://tt.servegame.com:200 - however, in June/July, it went down and Tripp himself said that, due to various reasons, he won't be putting it back up.

Fortunately, due to managing my own simracing organisation, Classic Motorsport Hub, I'm in control of a server PC with a good chunk (ish) of drive space - so I decided to set up an HFS myself.

That one went up in early August and is available at http://classicmotorsporthub.org:200 ! 

As of now, it contains 202 GB of rFactor 1, GTR2 and Automobilista stuff, including most of the old HSO mods (provided very kindly by Frank Verplanken!)

Please come visit, as it may very likely contain a piece of content you may or may not have been looking for for some time!

There's also a Discord Server for any issues/support/maintenance updates - feel free to join here as well!

Donations to aid upkeep costs are much appreciated, as well as checking out Classic Motorsport Hub for some fun classic/historic racing in this Year of our Lord 2022.  :spy:

Cheers!  :conduit:

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Daniel Castevert
Club Driver
Daniel Castevert

Number of posts : 146
Age : 66
Location : Belin-Beliet, France .
Registration date : 2008-12-07

New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down Empty
PostSubject: Re: New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down   New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down Icon_minitimeTue 4 Oct 2022 - 17:35

Merci Pascal cheers

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New HFS powered by Classic Motorsport Hub after TrippTeam went down
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