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 Introducing simRACE247

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Paul Velasco
Experienced Driver
Paul Velasco

Number of posts : 260
Age : 63
Location : Berlin
Registration date : 2020-01-01

Introducing simRACE247 Empty
PostSubject: Introducing simRACE247   Introducing simRACE247 Icon_minitimeSun 12 Apr 2020 - 9:53

Hi HSO Folks

First to Frank and his team for this amazing league, with great drivers and great organisation.
Since I have been here, much inspiration has come my way and this has evolved during these times:

I would like to present our simRACE247 sim racing team project.

There might be a role for drivers who want to be involved in a serious start-up with some exciting plans and high aspirations.

The 'career' path we will focus on is iRacing, with involvement in rF2 (HSO) and AC (our own server) which will also become part of the simRACE247 team.

This is a sneak peak of this new project, as this week we will be launching the team on our social media and online network. Then we will present our team and our plans, as well as some surprise A-List drivers and team members. Which I am happy to announce includes our very own Vladislav Zenkov among several drivers already confirmed.

But for now a heads up, as we are recruiting first a Top Gun driver https://simrace247.com/2020/04/10/recruiting-experienced-sim-racer-required-for-team-simrace247/

Ideally looking to sign-up 3-4 pro drivers with proven winning and champion credentials in iRacing primarily at this stage, but projects to run rF2 and AC are also in the pipeline.

Not ones to hang about:
To start, and a sweetener as well as a team-building exercise we are entering two cars in the racing Nords 24 Hours - anyone interested in this adventure please PM me.
A-Team for the Fast Boys
B-Team for rookies and gentlemen

Thank you.


:first: :second: :third:

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