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4 posters
Vladimir Loktaev
Vladimir Loktaev

Number of posts : 1
Age : 20
Location : Ryazan, Russia
Registration date : 2020-03-23

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PostSubject: Hello everybody!   Hello everybody! Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 19:18

My name is Vladimir Loktaev, I am from Ryazan, Russian Federation. I am 16 years old. Since 2018, I have been participating in rFactor 1 championships. I like open wheel racing the most, but I can also participate in various other classes. Before that, I participated mainly on CIS sites, but now I want to start traveling with you. My favorite Formula 1 driver is Nico Hulkinberg. Also Alain Prost, Daniel Riccardo, Charles Leclerc. My favorite racing series are F1 and GT I like to participate in them.

My friend Vlad Zenkov invited me to this site.

I hope to stay here for a long time. I will find new friends here and spend a lot of interesting races!

English is not my native language, so I hope you understand me.
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everybody!   Hello everybody! Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 19:23

Hello Vladimir, and welcome :hello: Your English is great :top: Hope you will find some events to your liking Wink.

Thou shalt not train.
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Mike Becnel
Racing Legend
Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
Age : 56
Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everybody!   Hello everybody! Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 20:35

Welcome Vlad! Your English is way better than any of my second languages!

Hello everybody! 458
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Vladislav Zenkov
Club Driver
Vladislav Zenkov

Number of posts : 115
Age : 24
Location : Rostov-on-Don, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Registration date : 2020-01-13

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everybody!   Hello everybody! Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 20:42

Mike Becnel wrote:
Welcome Vlad! Your English is way better than any of my second languages!

Contrary to a common misconception, it is not accepted in Russia to abbreviate Vladimir as Vlad. Vlad-Vladislav. Vladimir-Vova or Volodya. Wink

I know Vova long enough and I for some time tried to teach him simracing. Unfortunately, his computer doesn't allow him to race in rFactor 2, so he needs championships on rFactor 1.

HSO F1 1979 Team Lotus driver
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Hello everybody! 877

rF2 VRC.One IndyCar 2018 Champion and Rookie of the year
rF2 VRC.One IndyCar 2-times Indy 500 pole-sitter
rF2 VRC.One 1985 Indy 500 Champion
rF2 CFEG WSCC driver for VRC.One
rF1 Gonki.Me F1 1988, 1989, 2007, 2008 Champion
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everybody!   Hello everybody! Icon_minitime

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