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 Confinement & nous/us

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Frank Verplanken
Paul Velasco
Michal Janak
Steve Parker
Mike Becnel
Vladislav Zenkov
Claudio Navonne
François Violet
Greg Hunt
Ben Paulet
14 posters
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeSun 22 Mar 2020 - 13:22

1er point : C'est très important de rester à la maison.

2eme point : Je fais ce post mais je ne suis pas le hub, j'essaie juste de lancer le mouvement entre vous. Afin de créer du lien autre que seulement pourquoi nous sommes là : le simracing.

Toutefois cela ne doit pas nous recroqueviller sur nous-même.
Bien qu'on soit avant tout des amoureux des courses automobiles et du simracing, certains aiment aussi les FPS, les jeux de stratégie, de plateformes, de combats, etc... alors pourquoi pas proposer aux autres membres de se retrouver. Ca peut-être sur PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch,...

Je vais donc commencer ici par proposer mon surnom sur les différentes plateformes que j'utilise, ainsi que quelques jeux.
Et si les gens veulent se faire une partie en coop ou vs, chechez vous et allez-y.  :drink:


1st point : It is very important to stay at home.

2nd point : I'm doing this post but I'm not the hub, I'm just trying to start the movement between you. In order to create a link other than just why we are there: simracing.

However, this should not curl us up on ourselves.
Although we are above all lovers of car racing and simracing, some also like FPS, strategy games, platforms, fights, etc ... so why not offer other members to meet. Maybe on PC, Xbox, PS4, Switch, ...

So I'm going to start here by offering my nickname on the different platforms I use, as well as some games.
And if people want to play a co-op or vs game, go ahead and go.  :drink:


Surnom/Nickname : sgtpepper74
J'ai le GamePass donc tous les jeux dessus. I own GamePass, so all games available on.

Call Of Duty Warzone ( c'est gratuit Wink )
mes surnoms, my nicknames :
- dsotm74 --> PC
- sgtpepper74 --> Xbox

Surnom/Nickname : fabfour74
Games : Arma 3 - Dying Light - Steep - and some others

Surnom/Nickname : 7sgtpepper4
Game : Apex (à réinstaller pour moi - need to reinstall it)
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 13:59

My ghostly city from rooftop view.
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

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PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 16:59

hey mon petit Benou :hello: :drink: prend bien soins de toi :papy: :papy: Smile
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François Violet
Experienced Driver
François Violet

Number of posts : 201
Age : 53
Location : sud de la France
Registration date : 2020-01-23

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 17:33

@Ben Paulet je viens rompre le silence en hommage a tous ceux qui sont partis mais aussi a ceux qui restent. Smile

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Claudio Navonne
Club Driver
Claudio Navonne

Number of posts : 79
Age : 68
Location : Buenos Aires ,Argentina
Registration date : 2015-01-05

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 19:58

Confinement & nous/us Bsascu11
Confinement & nous/us Bsascu12
Confinement & nous/us Bsascu10
Buenos Aires 4th day of quarantine
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Vladislav Zenkov
Club Driver
Vladislav Zenkov

Number of posts : 115
Age : 24
Location : Rostov-on-Don, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Registration date : 2020-01-13

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 20:15

Our streets are busy with people. It is understandable, only today appeared the first infected in my Rostov Oblast. Since March 16, our universities are on distance learning. Most people do not panic and do not worry, but there are still individuals who buy all the buckwheat and all the toilet paper, strange people...

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rustouristo/
My Discord: RussoTuristo#8778
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Mike Becnel
Racing Legend
Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
Age : 56
Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 20:40

There will be so many dead bodies with very clean asses in the US! Toilet paper is still bought out while food/essentials are on the shelf. I am likely going to go do the American thing and buy another gun lol!

In actuality I really will be buying one but only because my Dad got a pistol that shoots the 22LR round. I never studied the ballistics of the 22LR. It is amazing and is easy as Hell to shoot. The ammo is dirt cheap! When I go shoot my SIG MPX-K 9mm I blow about $40 bucks in ammo. That is 200 rounds. It eats ammo quick. Same number of 22LR rounds would be around $9.
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Steve Parker
Racing Legend
Steve Parker

Number of posts : 2000
Age : 65
Location : England uk
Registration date : 2008-12-22

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2020 - 22:21

Same in UK,They must have toilet paper hanging out there asses,and eggs seem to be gone,since pubs were shut now panic buying all the beer affraid ,luckily i have huge supply of beer left over from christmas :D oh and all the pasta has gone :grrr:
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 10:43

Pro drivers are competing with gamers after F1 and NASCAR canceled races

@Salut Greg, prend soin de toi aussi.
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 51
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 12:10

François Violet wrote:
@Ben Paulet  je viens rompre le silence en hommage a tous ceux qui sont partis mais aussi a ceux qui restent.  Smile  

Very Happy girl from my country
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Paul Velasco
Experienced Driver
Paul Velasco

Number of posts : 260
Age : 63
Location : Berlin
Registration date : 2020-01-01

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PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 12:39

Paul Velasco https://steamcommunity.com/id/peevee88/
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 17:23

How nature broke the lockdown with me, today. :D

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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 19:15

Ben Paulet @ lockdown +16 :

Confinement & nous/us Ghost-dog-1200x519


This message was sponsored by the Ghost Dog Appreciation Society.
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 19:22

I'm not a big gamer, my hardware can't run much these days and I have a lot to do at work. But if I ever have a chance to find a partner for some online Hearts of Iron 3 (grand strategy WW2) it's during these here confinement times :D ! So if any of you nerds is a sucker for some epic HoI3 alternate history madness, let me know Wink.
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Vladislav Zenkov
Club Driver
Vladislav Zenkov

Number of posts : 115
Age : 24
Location : Rostov-on-Don, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Registration date : 2020-01-13

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 22:44

Frank Verplanken wrote:
I'm not a big gamer, my hardware can't run much these days and I have a lot to do at work. But if I ever have a chance to find a partner for some online Hearts of Iron 3 (grand strategy WW2) it's during these here confinement times :D ! So if any of you nerds is a sucker for some epic HoI3 alternate history madness, let me know Wink.

I am a fan of strategies, I have Civ V, Civ VI and HOI IV in my Steam. However, I don't have time for them now, and HOI IV has a lot of bugs...
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeWed 25 Mar 2020 - 11:22

Ben Paulet wrote:
How nature broke the lockdown with me, today. :D

putain quel enfoiré ce Ben :  en terrasse de toit , 1 ere ligne vu sur la mer , saleté de capitaliste !! :langue: :langue: :rigol:
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeWed 25 Mar 2020 - 12:51

Vladislav Zenkov wrote:
I am a fan of strategies, I have Civ V, Civ VI and HOI IV in my Steam. However, I don't have time for them now, and HOI IV has a lot of bugs...

Oh yes HoI4 is pathetic indeed Sad. Yet another example of the classic "if it ain't broke why fix it ?" nonsense.
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeWed 25 Mar 2020 - 13:36

Found that, made me laugh lol!

Translation : Me all day long...Lockdown Day7

Confinement & nous/us Defune10
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

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PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeWed 25 Mar 2020 - 17:00

lol! lol!
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeThu 26 Mar 2020 - 16:02

Franky, you were right, it begins :D
Confinement & nous/us Img_2010
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeThu 26 Mar 2020 - 16:10

cheers tout vient à point qui sait attendre :top:
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François Violet
Experienced Driver
François Violet

Number of posts : 201
Age : 53
Location : sud de la France
Registration date : 2020-01-23

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeThu 26 Mar 2020 - 16:58

cheers comme quoi que ... "il ne faut pas prendre les gens pour des pigeons !" Laughing
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeFri 27 Mar 2020 - 11:47

Epic Game Store offers 3 games until April 2nd.

- World War Z
- Figment
- Tormentor X Punisher
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Vadim Taciak
Club Driver

Number of posts : 121
Age : 37
Location : Hannover
Registration date : 2013-05-15

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PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeSun 29 Mar 2020 - 23:24


Drinks and working on new recipies
(A) Women on occasion
Hotlapping - with real name and a nickname @ Jarama
Getting vastly overdressed for shopping
Line6 HX Stomp
Workout at home

Everything's allright.
Lets just hope everybody stays healthy :-)
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Vladislav Zenkov
Club Driver
Vladislav Zenkov

Number of posts : 115
Age : 24
Location : Rostov-on-Don, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Registration date : 2020-01-13

Confinement & nous/us Empty
PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitimeMon 30 Mar 2020 - 2:11

A General quarantine has been introduced in Moscow. More than a thousand cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in Moscow. Six patients who were treated in Moscow - died.

Also Moscow. The dancing and barbecue:
Confinement & nous/us Scale_1200

In my city (Rostov-on-Don), which much more souther, than Moscow - only 2 infected people. And all of them under control. Everything is fine, but we are also quarantined.
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PostSubject: Re: Confinement & nous/us   Confinement & nous/us Icon_minitime

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Confinement & nous/us
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