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 GP247 Hotlap Trophy Rules

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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

GP247 Hotlap Trophy Rules Empty
PostSubject: GP247 Hotlap Trophy Rules   GP247 Hotlap Trophy Rules Icon_minitimeTue 3 Mar 2020 - 16:11

2020 HSO Kyalami GP247 Hotlap Trophy

GP247 Hotlap Trophy Rules 1-paul11


- The Trophy is free and open to all HSO members.

- As with all HSO events, nicknames are not allowed on the server, whether in training or during a race meeting.
- See this post to edit your rFactor 2 player name easily.

Trophy Rules

- The HSO Kyalami GP247 Hotlap Trophy will consist in a series of thematic Speedweeks (hereby referred as "SW") of racing on the classic South African circuit.

- Each SW will feature a different mod of historic content from rFactor 2, the cars of which will be the only ones allowed on the server for the duration of said Speedweeks.

- Unless specified otherwise in an event's rules, every driver will be free to drive any of the cars available in the mod(s) selected in every Speedweeks. A driver can change cars at any time and without notice, and can drive as many of the available cars as he wants.

- At the end each Speedweeks segments, all valid lap times made on the server will be used to determine the final standings for the event and the attribution of Trophy points using the points system described below.

- By valid lap times is understood every lap recognized by the server and the hotlap plugin, made by a registered HSO member using a real player name (no nicknames) and without any unsportsmanlike behaviour, cheating or technical issues involved.

- Each Speedweeks series will typically last two (2) weeks. Each individual SW series will count as round towards the Trophy, with all rounds gathered at the end of the season to establish final Trophy standings.

Points System

- Points will be awarded to the ten (10) fastest drivers of a Speedweeks series, on the following scale :


- Additionally, bonus points will be awarded to the five (5) fastest drivers of each available car, on the following scale :


- The notion of "car" in this instance applies to a precise type/model, not a specific entry/team/car number. The list of cars eligible for bonus points will be included in each Speedweek's ruleset.

Speedweeks Schedule

- The HSO Kyalami GP247 server will be online 24/7, running the mod(s) selected for each Trophy round.

- By default, the server will be running 1-hour practice and qualifying sessions, followed by 5-lap races. There will not be any warm-up session.

Server Settings

- Server settings might vary from a Week to another, but as a general rule they will typically be :

- Time scale : x1
- Fuel usage : normal
- Tyre wear : normal
- Damage mod : 100%
- Flag Rules : black only
- Weather : fixed
- Read road surface : heavy
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