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 1990 ATCC - Rules

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2 posters
Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1990 ATCC - Rules Empty
PostSubject: 1990 ATCC - Rules   1990 ATCC - Rules Icon_minitimeMon 24 Feb 2020 - 14:00

HSO 1990 ATCC Rules

1990 ATCC - Rules Bannie18


- The series is free and open to all HSO members.

- As with all HSO races, nicknames are not allowed on the server, whether in training or during a race meeting.
- See this post to edit your rFactor 2 player name easily.

Car Attribution

- A total of 34 cars are available for the series.

- Cars will be attributed to drivers following the "Free-for-All" rules.
- Every driver is free to book any of the available cars, attribution being made on a first-posted / first-served basis.

- Each driver must drive the same car for the duration of the championship.
- Changing of car during the year will be tolerated under exceptional circumstances only.

- In the event of a driver announcing his absence to a given race, his car will not be made available for another driver. However, should a driver miss two races in a row, his car would be made available for someone else to drive.

Please book your car in the dedicated thread.

Points System

- Points for the CAMS Australian Touring Car Championship are awarded to the first ten classified drivers, on the following scale : 20-15-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1.

- Only drivers having covered at least 90% of the laps covered by the race winner will be classified.
- Whenever 90% of the total number of laps results in a number with decimals, the decimals will be disregarded.

- Only a driver’s best seven results out of a possible eight will count.

- Two drivers tied in final points will be split by the quality of their race finishing positions.

The Races

- All ATCC races will be timed 50-minute events.

- Races will be held on Wednesday evenings (all times CET, Paris Time) :

19:00 – Free Practice
20:00 – Qualifying session (60 minutes, unlimited number of laps)
21:00 – Briefing and Warm-Up
21:15 – Start of the race (50 minutes)

Starting Procedure

- Starts will be given standing, after one formation lap.

Server Settings

- A training server running on the next scheduled track will be online permanently.
- Server name : HSO 1990 ATCC
- Server password : hso90

- Pitstops : allowed for tyres and fuel

- Time scale : x1
- Fuel usage : normal
- Tyre wear : normal
- Damage mod : 100%
- Flag Rules : black only

- Weather : live time weather plug-in using OpenWeatherMap live time predictions.

HSO Sporting Rules

See Appendix H of the HSO Sporting Code for details on general rules applying to this series.
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Daniel Castevert
Club Driver
Daniel Castevert

Number of posts : 146
Age : 66
Location : Belin-Beliet, France .
Registration date : 2008-12-07

1990 ATCC - Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1990 ATCC - Rules   1990 ATCC - Rules Icon_minitimeWed 25 Mar 2020 - 13:40

Bonjour à tous ou peut on avoir le mod ?
Hello everyone, where can we get the mod?
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1990 ATCC - Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1990 ATCC - Rules   1990 ATCC - Rules Icon_minitimeWed 25 Mar 2020 - 13:45

Salut Dany :hello: ! C'est pas vraiment un mod c'est un WIP, le mieux c'est de se connecter au serveur pour installer tout ce qu'il faut peinard Wink.
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Daniel Castevert
Club Driver
Daniel Castevert

Number of posts : 146
Age : 66
Location : Belin-Beliet, France .
Registration date : 2008-12-07

1990 ATCC - Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1990 ATCC - Rules   1990 ATCC - Rules Icon_minitimeWed 25 Mar 2020 - 14:17

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Salut Dany :hello: ! C'est pas vraiment un mod c'est un WIP, le mieux c'est de se connecter au serveur pour installer tout ce qu'il faut peinard Wink.
Merci Frank cheers  , je vois ça et j'ai bien envie de vous rejoindre :papy:
Par contre peux tu me donner le mot de passe en message privé pour pouvoir me connecter au serveur ? 1990 ATCC - Rules 3108518133
C'est bon j'ai trouvé study :top:
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