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 Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th]

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Gérard Ryon
Mick Chapman
Raul Jereb
Juha Bos
Jason White
Brian Janik
Greg DellaCella
Thiago Canola
Dave Miller
Cezariusz Czlapinski
Richard Wilks
Richard Coxon
Raymond Riddall
David Jundt
Adam Hackman
Jason Whited
David Sabre
Grant Riddall
Jason Fitch
David Jaques
Bruno Chacon
Alberto Ibañez
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Thiago Canola
Experienced Driver
Thiago Canola

Number of posts : 204
Age : 43
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-01-23

Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th]   Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat 21 Dec 2019 - 17:17

First of all I would like to say thank you HSO for putting this championship together. I m very grateful for having a place like here to make friends and race classic cars.The CART 88 mod is incredible, I loved it since the first time I  tested it at VIR. I had a great time.

I  had no idea I would be fighting for the championship at first because my knowledge about ovals is very limited to say the least and also full course yellow strategy was something new to me.

I started to catch up the leader Coxon at the time by being consistent and not retiring. After Richard abandoned the season I saw myself leading so I kept finishing and collecting points. I had won in Portland with Jaques,Grant and Austin retirements and in Toronto by using setup strategy. I had a good race in Meadowlands but it didn't work as planned.

At Mid Ohio when I had to switch to the T8700 chassis I realized I  would not be able to have equal chances to fight for the championship with Jaques. He would depend on him and I would have to hope he had some issue to finish ahead of him. It was quite demotivating situation. I don't care about being Champion at all, but being the sitting duck felt pretty bad.

The fights

Wow, that's why we race!😁 so many great moments fighting for position or lapping. The high point to me was me and Jaques dividing the chicane in Portland when my can took off and landed over the grass.

Last edited by Thiago Canola on Sat 21 Dec 2019 - 17:19; edited 1 time in total
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Thiago Canola
Experienced Driver
Thiago Canola

Number of posts : 204
Age : 43
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-01-23

Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th]   Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat 21 Dec 2019 - 17:18

The huge speed difference at Toronto was great to watch and one that not everybody saw was an overtake over Wilks in Nazareth. Well, I  lost the count how many times Jundt showed me the finger overtaking me in the outside making me feel stupid. 😭  I had some other scary moments too like the backflip in Michigan and when I flu towards the catch fence in Meadowlands.  

After all,  Congratulations David for the championship! We had good fair fights and you showed speed and competence during the whole season. Well deserved. :first:

Thank you Jonathan for the broadcasts,  you made this championship even better and exciting.

Can't wait to be back in the track.

Have a Happy Holiday everyone!!
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Round 15 - Nissan Indy Challenge [Dec 8th]
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