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 Automobilista 2

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Jacob Fredriksson
Sam Smith
Jason Fitch
Chris Stephens
Timo Vermeersch
Richard Coxon
François Remmen
Gabriel Legnini
Jason Whited
Pascal Mikula
Alberto Ibañez
Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeFri 24 May 2019 - 22:08

Automobilista 2 Unknown
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeFri 24 May 2019 - 22:36

JESUS CHRIST it's based on Project Cars 2 :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Is Niels still on board? :hum: I have a feeling he isn't, hope I'm wrong ... bounce
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeFri 24 May 2019 - 22:41

Oh man.. the last "playable" (on my PC at least) gMotor2 game is going away, too. Or, rather, it's getting a successor that's not based on ISIMotor. (Okay I know the engine is 20 years old by now but come on guys it's such a good engine pack, don't let it die!)

But I wish they still looked and did some more development on Automobilista 1. I mean, okay it's probably not too popular here at HSO considering we do historic stuff only, but could I just ask for the long-promised ERS and MGU modelling and management for the 2014+ F1 cars? KERS for the F-Extreme? Anti-Stall (which has literally been mentioned just half a year ago I mean pls)? Superchargers? Formula Wampa-Dampa-Damp? (I mean 1930s stuff maybe, I know of the 37LGP conversion for AMS but it's rather mehhhh IMO)

Maybe one day..hopefully soon, too. I heard there's a "final" DLC planned for AMS1 so I'm really wishing that at least some of the things I just mentioned will be introduced..
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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeFri 24 May 2019 - 22:50

Quote :
The engine has been developed with an abstract approach which offers programmers and designers the possibility to gain in efficiency and create platform agnostic content from day one. MADNESS’ modular structure also allows it to be configured in a variety of ways to suit each project’s requirements. The ability to break down items such as render jobs and physics iteration steps into smaller chunks means that they can be balanced across threads efficiently with very little CPU idle time.

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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeFri 24 May 2019 - 22:55

I don't think Niels is still involved, but i don't know for sure.

But for HSO, this is a closed door, because it's not modable, or at least extremely not modder friendly.
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Gabriel Legnini

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeFri 24 May 2019 - 23:43

It is said that pCARS engine is actually capable of very advanced physics. The final product is dumbed down due to the audience target of SMS.

If it's actually a modular engine, it should be as easy to mod as Assetto Corsa. I don't believe for a second that Reiza will go against their principles, this will be a bloody hardcore simulation, and I'm expecting for it to seriously push the competition.
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 0:26

Only see big advantages

makes rfactor even stronger and ams.
but we need TRACKS! told this many times guys convert them from asetto and rf2 back to rfactor and AMS
plenty on RD ready to download for 50s60s70s80s90s era's and we having a ball for 20+ years!
it works like a charm with 3dsimed specialy assetto tracks , mostly object i used already and texture qualtiy is simply high rez class!

hope we can make after that a big mod platform here with only the best mods and tracks to combine and provide good decent grapics and physics with the gmotor which is still today not explored to its max capabilities
we have the people here we have the skills.

if gpl can do it we can do it but we also need more people to get into the mod scene here at hso to work on a decent track and mod base!

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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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Registration date : 2015-01-07

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 11:25

Gabriel Legnini wrote:
It is said that pCARS engine is actually capable of very advanced physics. The final product is dumbed down due to the audience target of SMS.

If it's actually a modular engine, it should be as easy to mod as Assetto Corsa. I don't believe for a second that Reiza will go against their principles, this will be a bloody hardcore simulation, and I'm expecting for it to seriously push the competition.

Mod was not officially allowed in AMS either, they just couldnt close more things in the game, and used that as a back door to get unofficial content in the game.

That is not possible anymore with the madness engine.
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

Number of posts : 2212
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Location : Portugal
Registration date : 2015-01-07

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 11:29

François Remmen wrote:
Only see big advantages

makes rfactor even stronger and ams.
but we need TRACKS! told this many times guys convert them from asetto and rf2 back to rfactor and AMS
plenty on  RD ready to download for 50s60s70s80s90s era's and we having a ball for 20+ years!
it works like a charm with 3dsimed specialy assetto tracks , mostly object i used already and texture qualtiy is simply high rez class!

Well why don't you do it then? You talk like if that's easy, Dave had a lot of problems converting rf2 Monaco, to the point he gave up on doing Monza, and AC stuff is even worse.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 11:48

All I can say is that the future doesn't look to bright for us now Neutral

We either stay with older sims and slowly become another of those "ghost town" leagues that still exist using GPL, NR2003 or whatever older game, or we move into such next generation sims and lose all control over physics and complete grids - unless we want to put up with weird physics (AC) or unfinished game engines (rF2) plus very hard to model 3D (Proffesional level with very time consuming cars and tracks).

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 12:03

The future is fine for HSO, stop being negative Razz

We used rFactor for a long time after it was "Done" and we shall with Automobilista.
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 12:23

LOL yes I was not talking about the immediate future, we will certainly use AMS much more, but the general trend in modern sims seems to be stopping moddability and going to payware contents, and sooner or later that will have an impact.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Registration date : 2016-01-04

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 14:53

Richard Coxon wrote:
The future is fine for HSO, stop being negative Razz

We used rFactor for a long time after it was "Done" and we shall with Automobilista.

I was just gonna say.. for the sake of winga-dinga and the good ol' times when i wasn't even here yet..

GPL championship again when?  lol!
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 15:00

@dear Richard

David should only import a asseto track into 3dsimed and then export it to rfactor gmt
i would help him no question about it specialy on the department i know best and
the most work to reshade all objects and.
after that another skill from people here who can create a new AIW and Cam file

when the shader are optimezed in rfactor in the best quality you only have to click clack it to AMS speaking of Alberto's words  :D

problem is i dont have the time doing all this because well most of the admins know what im doing for the next few years in my spare time with a very small ammount of people. when its finished you guys have a full trackpack in which you can swap advertising with eas to create new seasons for any kind of mod to your liking and ofcourse in that particular era

Then again
find it hair rasing ( even i dont have  :D ) when some people keep bashing and talking or saying while its the complete opposite
rfactor is a sweet modding platform to make stable and decent tracks and mods to benefit AMS and let it shine so stop call its "done" or "behind" "old"" or whatever because its NOT!

vlm sebring longford 67, JP indy, HSO Usac tracks and in future 16 New 80/90s tracks  can i continue??
if rfactor was too old i would never start and keep working on it every day!
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 May 2019 - 17:28

rFactor is still a great sim with much potential, but once you have driven enough AMS in anger you realize it's a step above rFactor - and not so easy to return to the old one.

Of course you can always come back to rFactor for that flavor as you can with GPL -or NR2003 or Indycar Racing II for that matter-, but in all cases you know there is something else more advanced out there.
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSun 26 May 2019 - 7:38

Don't worry... The West brothers will save us all.

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Chris Stephens
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Registration date : 2016-07-12

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSun 26 May 2019 - 12:52

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
rFactor is still a great sim with much potential, but once you have driven enough AMS in anger you realize it's a step above rFactor - and not so easy to return to the old one.

Of course you can always come back to rFactor for that flavor as you can with GPL -or NR2003 or Indycar Racing II for that matter-, but in all cases you know there is something else more advanced out there.

Absolutely agree Alberto, AMS is for me fantastic,I've tried getting into rf2 just can't get a decent feel through the wheel. Major hurdle with AMS though is the 32-bit exe limitations. The major dissappointment for me in current sims is the lack of complete series. We get cars of an era or "specials" but all games fail to give us complete series whether cars or tracks or both. I'm sure AMS2 will be decent but no modding will hurt and if PC2 isn't moddable I don't see how AMS2 will be.
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Chris Stephens
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Registration date : 2016-07-12

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSun 26 May 2019 - 12:54

Timo Vermeersch wrote:
Don't worry... The West brothers will save us all.


LOL they did put out a couple of the nicest .jpg's I'd seen
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
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Registration date : 2016-01-04

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeSun 26 May 2019 - 16:46

Chris Stephens wrote:
32-bit exe limitations

Pssst... Don't tell anyone: https://ntcore.com/?page_id=371 Wink Wink Wink
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Jason Fitch
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Jason Fitch

Number of posts : 664
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Registration date : 2015-04-18

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeTue 28 May 2019 - 5:16

Timo Vermeersch wrote:
Don't worry... The West brothers will save us all.


Oh, Jesus, that's a name I haven't heard in forever!
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeTue 28 May 2019 - 11:33


Lack of modding basically confirmed.

And if you read more posts, some people don't even care or want modding these days.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
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Registration date : 2016-01-04

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeTue 28 May 2019 - 11:47

Richard Wilks wrote:

Lack of modding basically confirmed.

And if you read more posts, some people don't even care or want modding these days.

Big yikes. Time to ring the big modding bell of HSO?  scratch
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeTue 28 May 2019 - 11:54

Is Project Cars 2 moddable at all? I mean, same as rFactor/AMS, one could asume that if the base engine was open enough for people to mod stuff, then even if it is not "officialy" moddable (AMS certainly wasn't - in theory) you could have a chance of doing it.

Quote :
And if you read more posts, some people don't even care or want modding these days.

They are even throwing money at Renato already and happy to take any big ass-driller without any vaseline at all lol!
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

Number of posts : 2212
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Registration date : 2015-01-07

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeTue 28 May 2019 - 11:58

Most stuff is encpryted in PCars2. Specially the physics stuff. There are mods that can add cars or liveries, but they are forced to use existing assets on that. And they are a pain to install, you have to hack the .exe, etc etc.

That's sim racing for you now, it's just a hobby where people throw their disposable income,and roam around forums and message boards.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
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Registration date : 2016-01-04

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista 2   Automobilista 2 Icon_minitimeTue 28 May 2019 - 12:00

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Is Project Cars 2 moddable at all? I mean, same as rFactor/AMS, one could asume that if the base engine was open enough for people to mod stuff, then even if it is not "officialy" moddable (AMS certainly wasn't - in theory) you could have a chance of doing it.

Quote :
And if you read more posts, some people don't even care or want modding these days.

They are even throwing money at Renato already and happy to take any big ass-driller without any vaseline at all lol!

I heard someone say that the Madness engine is """"""""based""""""""" on ISIMotor, and AFAIK there was one.. """"mod"""" for pC1, but its installation and usage included running a ton of batch files, editing xml's, basically re-writing parts of the game and hoping (literally hoping) for it to not corrupt your whole system. I don't expect pC2 to be any different, but then again I have never even looked at pC2 after my experience of pC1
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