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 Castrol 1000 - Kyalami - Entry List [June 9th]

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Jason White
Ronnie Peterson
David Sabre
Martin Lacina
Martin Mrkva
Raimo Pettersson
Richard Wilks
Stephen Blair
John Anders
Alberto Iquino
Daniel Koch
Troy Barman1
Lukáš Glőckner
Sam Smith
Jonatan Acerclinth
Alberto Ibañez
Jacob Fredriksson
Raul Jereb
Gabriel Sterr
Austin Johnson
Filippo Marazzi
Mick Chapman
Bruno Chacon
Grant Riddall
Dave Miller
David Jundt
David Jaques
Juha Bos
Lukáš Vydra
Richard Coxon
34 posters
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Jason Whited
Pro Driver
Jason Whited

Number of posts : 581
Age : 40
Location : Virginia, USA
Registration date : 2017-03-08

Castrol 1000 - Kyalami - Entry List [June 9th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Castrol 1000 - Kyalami - Entry List [June 9th]   Castrol 1000 - Kyalami - Entry List [June 9th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 9 Jun 2019 - 16:20

Jonatan Acerclinth wrote:
Thanks to Michael Griffiths, the initial part of the race will also be broadcast (as well as the whole race hopefully) though without commentary. It can be found here:


Thank you very much Michael :top:

Big thanks, Michael!

Castrol 1000 - Kyalami - Entry List [June 9th] - Page 5 3108518133
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Castrol 1000 - Kyalami - Entry List [June 9th]
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