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 ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?

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4 posters
Marie de Lacrowe
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Marie de Lacrowe

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ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2019 - 19:22

ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Cattur12

Using ZModeler 1.07b I encountered several problems, how can I create the inner area of transparent plastic? I can't find the way to reverse the faces of the polygons to solve this problem ... Shocked
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2019 - 19:26

You need to create the backside with new faces, oriented the other way. Usually just copy object, reorient, merge with the old one. Now you have it two sided.

ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Marie de Lacrowe
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Marie de Lacrowe

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ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2019 - 20:47

No, it generates an opaque copy of a transparent area Evil or Very Mad
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2019 - 21:05

first cut the glass material and redo the body material what alberto says then save it
load the orignal gmt again  but then cut the body material and redo the glas material save it as the gmt ( name ) with an A behind
then load both gmts and copy the GMT_A glass material into the original
save gmt and object to the original gmt and its all okay

i do this in 3dsimed many times if i need to change materials or add different logo's etc

are you a car modder?
what do you do im just curious
made any mods?

ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? 617
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David Sabre
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ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2019 - 21:16

Marie de Lacrowe wrote:
No, it generates an opaque copy of a transparent area Evil or Very Mad
It shouldn't do.
You might need to recalculate the Normals.
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Marie de Lacrowe
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Marie de Lacrowe

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ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2019 - 21:53

#François Remmen

Crying or Very sad 3dSimEd software when it creates a copy and then invokes the inverted faces function, its mapping is destroyed...

Crying or Very sad ZModeler 1.07b does not have the .gmt extension...

Embarassed Can a woman like me use the term MODDER, or isn't there a term for a woman who does this ?

Sleep What I do in 3D is always very simple, but telling this could bore people who know me well...
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Marie de Lacrowe
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Marie de Lacrowe

Number of posts : 67
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Registration date : 2015-03-29

ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitimeSun 19 May 2019 - 9:59

ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Mc_2310

it works  Smile but it doesn't make sense that I have to export the new transparent part and inverted polygons
and then import the newly created part to form the internal area of the car glass...
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ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ?   ZModeler 1: the inverted polygons ? Icon_minitime

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