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 Current state of Modding

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Gabriel Legnini
Timo Vermeersch
David Jaques
François Remmen
David Jundt
Alberto Ibañez
Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 14:32

I just saw something that shows the current state of modding, and how these days, it seems people don't have the same values or way of seeing thsi hobby as some of us in the past.

I know that GPL 2.0 mod for Asseto Corsa was full of ripped content, but these guys go a step further:

Current state of Modding 20170523195237_1


Yes, this a ripped version of the same mod we used for our F1 71 season here, with less cars, being SOLD for 10 euros for AC, while we in HSO developed a whole complete mod including a lot more cars, for FREE for our users here, and anybody who wants it even outside of HSO.

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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 15:04

At least it looks better than in AMS/RFactor  :D

But yeah, so much for fair use of other people's work  Rolling Eyes

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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSat 4 May 2019 - 20:51

We have a saying here that goes "das ist nicht die feine englische Art"(translated as "not a nice way", boring one), but...

Name&shame them?

I'd make it totally known that people stole it from you to expose them as thieves.

I know you can't do much about it, but maybe people wouldn't try to get it feeling guilty to support mod theft.

@Alberto: Stop praising the Simcade game called AC made by a studio that can't do basic stuff! xD


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

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François Remmen
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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSat 4 May 2019 - 21:53

tbh with those graphics and rf / (ams) physics this would be the ultimate sim

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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSat 4 May 2019 - 22:11

Sure, too bad I am not driving sims for eye-candy Razz


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSun 5 May 2019 - 0:36

give me wire frame graphics, ill be happy as a clam as long as the physics are good

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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSun 5 May 2019 - 6:53

Does this conversion/mod use real life names for teams etc?


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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSun 5 May 2019 - 10:36

David Jundt wrote:
Sure, too bad I am not driving sims for eye-candy Razz

this is complete obsolete

this topic is more or less a frustration of a modder like Richard is putting all his efford to create a realistic sim mod for free
and bashed by pirates to simply port it into a good looking sim despite it drives shit

This makes me furious!

Everybody want to drive a high quality mod AND track combo!
why in earth modders create such high accurate mods at HSO
why in earth modders create such high accurate tracks for HSO
Good and serious modders need to be protected by charging money!

and by more of those comments im getting to this point !

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Gabriel Legnini

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSun 5 May 2019 - 12:39

Ripping off 3D models has been happening for years in the modding scene.
Paid mods have surfaced years ago too, specially around the shift of gen in sim software (rF2 and AC).

But those two combined? That's blatant theft, and should be named and shamed if that's the case.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSun 5 May 2019 - 12:54

Oh yeah I've seen pay-mods for AC and rF2, too when I had AC installed once. Some of them also just being blatant rip-offs. 
This F171 ripoff, though, is no different. Just the fact you here at HSO made it and made it as authentic as it is.

This should go under copyright infringement, or violation of intellectual property; and I'd probably commence legal action against whoever made that ripoff if it'd be possible.
But I'm sure there'd be some difficulty in getting this done, plus..well it's the internet. Even if that'd succeed and the mod gets taken down and the creator gets pissed on, the files will still be there because Internet. And then it'd resurface and the whole shitshow would start again.

But I must say, I agree that it's sad that people would rather rip off well-made assets and physics rather than try their own hand on it, creating it their own way with their own skills and devices.

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Guillaume Siebert
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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSun 5 May 2019 - 14:36

Sure they can try selling it I guess, but are there people really paying for this?
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeSun 5 May 2019 - 15:40

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Sure they can try selling it I guess, but are there people really paying for this?

I really hope not. It's even more blatant than other cases.

And tbh, if I was on a site or discord where people would talk about it, I'd straight up say they'd be paying for stolen content.

I am not quite sure if FD is angry at me or...?

I am sorry at pointing fun at AC, but even though I own it, I barely use it. rF2 and AMS are my main enjoyments and keep me busy enough these days.

AC looks nice, but it's a bit... ugly below the hood.


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

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Nicolas Peters
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Nicolas Peters

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeTue 21 May 2019 - 19:23

A small message about modding on S397 forum which I wrote Smile

Does HSO agree if i will do this car https://www.racingsportscars.com/type/photo/Lola/T88__00.html on the base of your Lola T88/00  Wink ?

and for AC, I see a couple of time some VLM cars which are sold Mad Mad

Vivemclaren - 3D Modeller - Virtua_LM
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David Sabre
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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeTue 21 May 2019 - 21:05

Nicolas Peters wrote:
Does HSO agree if i will do this car https://www.racingsportscars.com/type/photo/Lola/T88__00.html on the base of your Lola T88/00  Wink ?
Ok with me.
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Nicolas Peters
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Nicolas Peters

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeTue 21 May 2019 - 22:46

Thank David. Maybe it was not really interesting for HSO. Doing all cars for Interserie year is impossible...

Vivemclaren - 3D Modeller - Virtua_LM
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2019 - 12:26

Timo Vermeersch wrote:
Does this conversion/mod use real life names for teams etc?



I'm not asking out of interest for the mod but because there may lie a key to stop this, should anyone want to stop it.

Several of the real life names are copyrighted. We all have seen stories in the past of how that can affect modding. Reality however also is that most past actions to my knowledge never yielded much consequence. The reason in my humble opinion is the fact that modders almost never ask for payment and their work is offered for free. They thus are considered to not profit from the copyrighted names used in their mod. In my limited understanding (i.e. the understanding of a master in law but one who never worked in the field of copyright law, IP, etc), as long as one does not derive a profit from using names etc, copyright law does not allow the holder of the copyright to claim something from the one using the name without deriving a gain, i.e. the modder.

That obviously all changes when a modder starts asking money for his work.


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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: Current state of Modding   Current state of Modding Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2019 - 13:18

They have the real names of the teams and sponsors yes. But they dont care really, even if they would get a letter from someone, they would just close this website, and open another, i've seen it before. The only way of this stopping is people not buying, but the rise or payware mods actually help people like this, since that gives the image that mods are something you are supposed to pay for.

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