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 Mod F1 1982 for rFactor

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 14:31

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Quote :
- The game crashes as soon as any outside camera is activated. Swingman or Trackside. Doesn't matter; the game crashes. I can't tell why, since the trace file doesn't record any errors that cause the crash. Actually, it doesn't crash when the rear wheels (all four of them) and the rear suspension is detached, by means of an accident. Weird. So something's gotta be wrong with the rear suspension stuff in the gen file...
I'm happy that the car is in the game now, and has its dedicated parts, mas files, gen files, etc. but I'm not sure where i might have missed a line or two in a gen file.

Use the spinner GEN file contents as starter (After all, you can see the car in the spinner) and add the cockpit and steering wheel section of the normal GEN file, then start adding one by one the parts and see which one causes the crash.  If you already suspect that the suspension has something to do, comment it out in the GEN file and see if it works now.
I did use that - I also based the Instance names on the upgrade files from the 0.95 install so I did place everything correctly. I only commented out some instances which would require a LOD model, since the FW08B doesn't really have any.
Basically, it's got the same parts displayed that the car had the first time I put it in; remember when I posted the FW08B but with messed up textures? I failed to save the gen file unfortunately, but it did have the same parts. Maybe, though...it could also be that the reason it crashes is because I didn't put this little intake cover on? I may need to check that. It could be that one DEBRIS instance missing could cause that crash, but I don't think that's the big reason. Still worth checking out though.
What I meant is that something else could be wrong. But I'll need to check everything.
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Gilles Taux
Gilles Taux

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 14:34

I am happy to see that this excellent mod initially developed by the Varjanta team has a chance to be reborn Smile

At the end JC Case, who is at the origin of the excellent LE physic, could no longer drive and I helped him to test the last developments, mainly the parameters of tyre wear and brake temperatures. So I have a lot of intermediate physics versions. I doubt they could be useful but don't hesitate to ask if necessary. I would be anyway delighted to carry on as a test driver in due course  Wink

Also, if you are looking for historical details about the 1982 season, these documents may be useful.

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 14:42

Gilles Taux wrote:
I am happy to see that this excellent mod initially developed by the Varjanta team has a chance to be reborn Smile

At the end JC Case, who is at the origin of the excellent LE physic, could no longer drive and I helped him to test the last developments, mainly the parameters of tyre wear and brake temperatures. So I have a lot of intermediate physics versions. I doubt they could be useful but don't hesitate to ask if necessary. I would be anyway delighted to carry on as a test driver in due course  Wink

Also, if you are looking for historical details about the 1982 season, these documents may be useful.


I'm very happy to hear someone who had something to do with the development (indirectly, I assume)!
Thank you for the link, I'll look at it as soon as I've finished digging into any reasons why the FW08B crashes the game. I assume it wasn't ready to be implemented yet? (Evil me hehe)
About the physics, I've been sort of disappointed by the engine files that screamed my way as I did some research recently. I don't know how to recreate realistic power curves, so that'd be of good use if I got /some/ help there.
I'd also love to be able to provide you with a "working" test version, but as my internet bandwith has gone down the shitter (for reasons I won't disclose here because OT), uploading a working version would probably take a day or two, since the mod would most likely be 1GB+.
But I'll keep this thread updated.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 15:02

Quote :
I don't know how to recreate realistic power curves, so that'd be of good use if I got /some/ help there.

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 15:08

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Quote :
I don't know how to recreate realistic power curves, so that'd be of good use if I got /some/ help there.

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Unknown

Got something like that already Wink I meant the numbers for the power themselves.

Now, about the FW08B.
I commented out everything that is at the rear.
It won't even let me load into a track anymore. 
The trace file doesn't throw any errors with the car.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 15:15

So you mean to tell me I MUST let it render the files needed for the rear view mirrors, even if the mirrors are set to be turned off??

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_000

Alright, now we're talkin'.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 15:37

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_001
I seem to have found /a/ source of the problems.
The question is,
Why tho?

It sits fine in the veh file; or whatever the veh file calls when it's loaded into 3DSimEd.
But...why is it so out of place in the game???

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Unknown

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_002

Both middle brakes have the problem. They're pretty off-set, and they rotate around an even more off-set pivot point. I mean, I can just make them not-movable, but still. What the hell?
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 16:23

If that object is defined as the spindle for the wheel then it needs to have the same pivot point as the wheel. I think that in the image the pivot point is set to 0,0,0 that should be set to what the wheels pivot point is.

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 16:35

David Sabre wrote:
If that object is defined as the spindle for the wheel then it needs to have the same pivot point as the wheel. I think that in the image the pivot point is set to 0,0,0 that should be set to what the wheels pivot point is.

That's a good point. It's indeed called AUXLr/RrSpindle in the gen file at least. Didn't know the name of the instances were actually that important..  :doh:  

But I changed the pivot point, saved the GMT's and added them into the car's MAS file... still no better. Even though the pivot points were indeed set at 0,0,0 when the wheels' pivot point was different..

EDIT: I don't know why, but the pivot point just resets itself to 0,0,0 for some reason. I'm looking it up in the veh file since it's referencing I'd assume the gen file for all the objects, and that's where I adjusted the pivot points; save all objects, add to MAS, done.
Reloaded the veh, and the pivot point is back at zero.  :grrr:

But it's weird, still, because for all the other brakes, AKA left front, right front, left rear, right rear, it says the pivot point is at 0,0,0. Even the tires have the pivot point at 0,0,0 but they work just fine! Oh my gooodddddd...
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 16:51

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_003

Who would've thought that adding the middle brakes simply to the already existing LR and RR Spindle instances as second Mesh files would have done the job.
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Now that'd actually make sense because it'd then seem that the game doesn't even recognize the prefix AUX before that stuff! I mean, right? I don't know what else could be the reason.

And there I got my initial problem, too. The middle tires are called AUXLR/AUXRR-TIRE in the gen. 
If the game doesn't know what it's supposed to be, it doesn't know what to do with it! Boom, crash-to-desktop. And that's exactly what just happened. Doh!

EDIT: Oh my god damn god...  Rage

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 17:29

But the game does recognize AUX, doesn't it

When I built the FW08B on the upgrade files for the FW07, I just replaced the blank stuff with the FW08B stuff! It worked, but messed up the texture because one of them just went apeship over the whole screen!
Is it maybe some missing texture that crashes the game?? But it can't be.. the AUXtires and rear-tires have all the same material and textures.

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Unknown

And now the rear middle wheels work as intended, however they turn around the wrong pivot point. They dont crash the game but that's just annoying now.
Plus, Now the steering wheel turns around a wrong pivot point again. Almost as if some parameters in the gmt files or the mas or the veh or somewhere get reset at random! :grrr:
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 18:47

Pascal Mikula wrote:
EDIT: I don't know why, but the pivot point just resets itself to 0,0,0 for some reason. I'm looking it up in the veh file since it's referencing I'd assume the gen file for all the objects, and that's where I adjusted the pivot points; save all objects, add to MAS, done.
Reloaded the veh, and the pivot point is back at zero.  :grrr:
Import the wheel into 3dsimed on its own. No other objects.
Go edit-centre model-set pivot. Write down the values or use MS (Memory Store).

Import the brake parts. No other objects.
Go edit-centre model-set pivot. Input the previous values or use MR (Memory Recall). The values should now match the wheels values.

Export the brake parts as a gmt object.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 19:08

David Sabre wrote:
Pascal Mikula wrote:
EDIT: I don't know why, but the pivot point just resets itself to 0,0,0 for some reason. I'm looking it up in the veh file since it's referencing I'd assume the gen file for all the objects, and that's where I adjusted the pivot points; save all objects, add to MAS, done.
Reloaded the veh, and the pivot point is back at zero.  :grrr:
Import the wheel into 3dsimed on its own. No other objects.
Go edit-centre model-set pivot. Write down the values or use MS (Memory Store).

Import the brake parts. No other objects.
Go edit-centre model-set pivot. Input the previous values or use MR (Memory Recall). The values should now match the wheels values.

Export the brake parts as a gmt object.

That sounds logical, but I fixed the brakes already. Just added them as a second MeshFile in the normal RR and LR spindle objects. Surely not the proper way, but it works.
The thing that ticks me off right now is the middle axle wheels spinning weirdly (would use the same method as you just mentioned but i'm not sure how that'll work if I reference the rear axle wheels' pivots) and the steering wheel just suddenly having a wrong pivot point out of nowhere.
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 19:20

I would put the gen file back to how it was and do the pivot points as I said above. The wheels need to revolve around their own axis.
If you add the middle wheels to the rear wheels the middle wheels will then revolve around the rear wheels axis, it will look as if the middle wheels are revolving around the rear wheels.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 19:25

Quote :
If you add the middle wheels to the rear wheels the middle wheels will then revolve around the rear wheels axis, it will look as if the middle wheels are revolving around the rear wheels.

I tried that before already lol. Looked pretty funny.

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_004

Both rear wheels suddenly pivoted around an axis that was between both wheels' supposed positions.

But I actually now understood it. I looked at the steering wheel having a little brainfart, and by clicking "Memorize XYZ" on the centre of the wheel, and then putting that as pivot point, that basically fixed it. Wonderful. Will post pics as soon as the success kicks in.
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 19:32

David Sabre wrote:
I would put the gen file back to how it was and do the pivot points as I said above. The wheels need to revolve around their own axis.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 19:35

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_005

:clap: :clap: :clap: :champ: :champ: :champ:

Oh buddy, now the god damn helmet. It pivots around 0,0,0 which is a little too much helmet movement IMO, but when I change the pivot point, the whole helmet model moves either upwards or downwards. Should I therefore put the helmet model at centre of XYZ and then change the pivot point to wherever the helmet's supposed to be?
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 20:37

How are you changing the pivot point?
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 20:49

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
How are you changing the pivot point?

The way David told me.
Quote :
edit-centre model-set pivot. Write down the values or use MS (Memory Store).

But the problem is, the helmet is at the right position, but it pivots around a point in the ground. I want it to pivot around the bottom of itself, basically but when I enter the correct pivot point, the helmet model itself moves up and down and the pivot itself doesn't change. Even replacing the helmet with the original one doesn't help, for some reason. And I don't want to have to rebuild the whole damn MAS file again because it's already so changed from what it was, plus 99% of the things are working, so I don't want to throw that away.

Basically, if I see it right, the helmet model always keeps a certain distance between itself and the pivot point, no matter the setting of the pivot point. I don't know why. I don't know what I'm supposed to press or write in or if I'm supposed to center the model somehow or somewhere. i literally have no clue,
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 20:52

The helmet is pivoted around somewhere in the neck area, as your real head is.
I think that x should be 0 as its in the centre of the car.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 20:57

Quote :
The helmet is pivoted around somewhere in the neck area, as your real head is.
I think that x should be 0 as its in the centre of the car.
The x and y coordinates don't matter, they're correct. It's the z-coordinate that's important, and also giving me a headache.

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Unknown

This is supposed to be the right pivot point. This is the point where the helmet meets with the driver gmt. This is the point where the head movement is supposed to be.

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_007
But if I have the pivot point set at that value, THIS is where the helmet lands. The pivoting itself is perfect, smooth head movement that doesn't make you suspect that the driver would have a dislocated neck. But well, the helmet is not where it's supposed to be.

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 GRAB_006

If I set the pivot point at 0,0,0 this is where the helmet lands. It's mostly where it's supposed to be. But it moves like what you see there. It basically moves around the point where the helmet is in the second picture. And if I change the pivot point z-coordinate positive, the helmet moves downwards. If I make it negative, the helmet moves upwards. And it always pivots around that bottom point, no matter what i write into the pivot point menu.
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 21:43

If the helmet instance in the gen file has LOD models make sure that they are using the same pivot point.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 21:45

One thing that can work, 

note down the location of the helmet in X/Y/Z

reset its position to 0,0,0 (center model in the top menu) and export

open again, move to the proper position and set pivot point. 

See if it pivots correctly now.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 21:57

David Sabre wrote:
If the helmet instance in the gen file has LOD models make sure that they are using the same pivot point.
They do. 0,0,0 at the moment and the movement is as messed up as you can imagine. But it's at the right place.

Quote :
One thing that can work, 
note down the location of the helmet in X/Y/Z
reset its position to 0,0,0 (center model in the top menu) and export
open again, move to the proper position and set pivot point. 
See if it pivots correctly now.

By location, do you mean the pivot point?
I guess "Translate" means relocate, and if so, then I might have a problem because the helmet, even though it is offset and where it's supposed to be, apparently has 0,0,0 coordinates already.

Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Unknown

But I'll try it with "Center Model - Geometric Centre"

EDIT: So after going to "Geometric Centre", I checked the pivot point. And instead of being at 0,0,0 it is at the helmet's proper location...or rather, the negative z of the helmet's proper location. So -0.9 instead of +0.9. Is that supposed to happen?
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 22:03

Alberto you are sent by the heavens. THANK YOU! HOLY SH*T!  :drink:
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PostSubject: Re: Mod F1 1982 for rFactor   Mod F1 1982 for rFactor - Page 6 Icon_minitime

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