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 The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread

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Richard Coxon
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Empty
PostSubject: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeThu 21 Mar 2019 - 22:43

The GTPC-AMS mod is not simply a conversion, but also a major rework of the physics using the extra AMS features by the master Richard Wilks, for example you have now a proper turbo model and of course flatspots, tyre pick up etc. Bear in mind that these are cars were created for endurance racing, so even if you can sprint them for short ones, you can't drive like that in the longer events. They are, as in real life, rather easy to drive cars for long distances, powerful but heavier than an open wheeler, thus tires and brakes will suffer more if constantly hotlapping. 

We want this mod to be a milestone in 80s sportscars simracing, as the Indycar has been in its own, and you bet this has been a gigantic work, with all of Richard's expertise and experience condensed in a unique sportscars experience. The race we just announced is both a GS event and our first step towards testing under real conditions in AMS, thus we will be grateful for any feedback about it because debugging and fixing any glitch is essential for us before moving to longer, more intense races with it :antoine: 

Let us know not just bugs you find, but also your impressions, the whole HSO community is invited to help as tester for a later final public release to the whole racing community. Have fun!!  :conduit:
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeThu 21 Mar 2019 - 22:53


There goes my sleep!  cheers cheers The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread 3108518133 The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread 3108518133 The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread 3108518133 The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread 3108518133
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeThu 21 Mar 2019 - 23:18

Okay so..

Just going to throw this in here, hoping it's nothing too critical.
I just joined the server as it is up, and I wanted to go on track in the #1 Porsche 956. However, as soon as I hit the button to join the track, my game crashed.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeThu 21 Mar 2019 - 23:23

Pascal Mikula wrote:
Okay so..

Just going to throw this in here, hoping it's nothing too critical.
I just joined the server as it is up, and I wanted to go on track in the #1 Porsche 956. However, as soon as I hit the button to join the track, my game crashed.

Must be on your end. I just tried and everything was fine.
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Filippo Marazzi
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Filippo Marazzi

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeThu 21 Mar 2019 - 23:33

:banane: :clap: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread 3108518133
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 8:31

Richard Coxon wrote:
Pascal Mikula wrote:
Okay so..

Just going to throw this in here, hoping it's nothing too critical.
I just joined the server as it is up, and I wanted to go on track in the #1 Porsche 956. However, as soon as I hit the button to join the track, my game crashed.

Must be on your end. I just tried and everything was fine.
I don't know honestly. Just tried again and it crashed again. I deleted the RD beta files before installing the version from this forum so it's a clean install but.. hm..

Here's my trace file..Hope it can somehow help. All I can see is that like a million textures or TGA's can't be found or loaded and attributes are unknown etc.  :grrr:

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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 8:45

Pascal Mikula wrote:
Richard Coxon wrote:
Pascal Mikula wrote:
Okay so..

Just going to throw this in here, hoping it's nothing too critical.
I just joined the server as it is up, and I wanted to go on track in the #1 Porsche 956. However, as soon as I hit the button to join the track, my game crashed.

Must be on your end. I just tried and everything was fine.
I don't know honestly. Just tried again and it crashed again. I deleted the RD beta files before installing the version from this forum so it's a clean install but.. hm..

Here's my trace file..Hope it can somehow help. All I can see is that like a million textures or TGA's can't be found or loaded and attributes are unknown etc.  :grrr:

Maybe there's still some left-over files laying about on your end?

I'll give it a try as I've not had the mod before. Will do so when I get home at around 3PM so please hang on until then unless you manage to figure out what is wrong.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 8:50

Also, try first other cars. Narrow down the problem to one car or the mod itself before starting to delete or reinstall stuff.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 8:57

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Also, try first other cars. Narrow down the problem to one car or the mod itself before starting to delete or reinstall stuff.
It crashes offline too, with different cars.  scratch  As I said, the trace file says that a whole lot of stuff can't be found by the game but I don't know how that can happen.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 9:01

Sounds like a bad install or files haven't been replaced.

Try deleting every folder that has something to do with GTPC. Just be careful in the sounds folder as some may be stock files.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 9:15

In that case my bet is that you installed it wrong, probably in one extra or one less subfolder. Start by uncompressing the mod to an empty folder on your desktop and checking the folder structure, then follow it inside your game and see if the files landed where they had to.  If that was the problem, you will quickly realize it. Delete the old folders and reinstall properly, or if you had not deleted anything, just drag and drop them to the proper place. Use always the mod in your desktop to compare where goes what.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 9:23

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
In that case my bet is that you installed it wrong, probably in one extra or one less subfolder. Start by uncompressing the mod to an empty folder on your desktop and checking the folder structure, then follow it inside your game and see if the files landed where they had to.  If that was the problem, you will quickly realize it. Delete the old folders and reinstall properly, or if you had not deleted anything, just drag and drop them to the proper place. Use always the mod in your desktop to compare where goes what.
I unzipped the archive into the AMS install folder as the folder structure follows the structure of the game, right?
Anyway, a Steam validation found that ~200 files in my game install somehow were corrupt or missing and they amounted to 90MB of files needing to be downloaded. I hope it works now.
EDIT: Nope..still crashes.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 9:30

First, clean all the old files from your AMS install. If the paths were correct, then you will find them easily. 

Second, google and get Jone Soft Generic mod enabler. Will save you a ton of hassle allowing very easy install/deinstall of mods. It doesn't install anything or change your windows registry, it's clean and safe, I knew personally the guy who created it many years ago. 

EDIT: You can get it here: https://www.gamefront.com/games/silent-hunter-4/file/jones-soft-generic-mod-enabler

Third, I will download and check the mod in case the file is corrupt, but try meanwhile uncompressing it with a different tool. If you used Winrar, use 7zip and viceversa, sometimes it's the compressor what corrupts the files.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Registration date : 2016-01-04

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 9:33

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
First, clean all the old files from your AMS install. If the paths were correct, then you will find them easily. 

Second, google and get Jone Soft Generic mod enabler. Will save you a ton of hassle allowing very easy install/deinstall of mods. It doesn't install anything or change your windows registry, it's clean and safe, I knew personally the guy who created it many years ago. 

EDIT: You can get it here: https://www.gamefront.com/games/silent-hunter-4/file/jones-soft-generic-mod-enabler

Third, I will download and check the mod in case the file is corrupt, but try meanwhile uncompressing it with a different tool. If you used Winrar, use 7zip and viceversa, sometimes it's the compressor what corrupts the files.

Will try that.
What I did notice is that in all the MAS files, basically all the TGA files seem to be missing, which is what the trace file says too. Also, I'm not sure if this is intentional but the trace file also says that the #51 BMW M1 Turbo can't be added to the series (either due to filtering or error).
I'm currently checking the MAS files in my install trying to find any TGA that the game says might be missing, in case there's something else.

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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 10:24

Epic! Driving experience is fantastic. Finally the 936C feels competitive!

Having issues with the LC2-83 cockpit however:

The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread 20190322225733-1

Have not seen it with any other cars just yet. This was with the Maribella Paolo Barilla Imola car.
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 10:28

Did you both open the file with the in-Windows winzip?
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 10:31

Me? No, winrar all the way.
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 10:35

OK, I just determined that uncompressing with ZIP causes problems, winrar or 7zip is the way to go. That's why I asked. I also got opaque windscreens in some cars, maybe a graphics setting/card drivers issue.
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 11:11

Jacob's problem is legit, what version of the lancia is that one?Car number and track version.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 11:45

Jacob Fredriksson wrote:
Epic! Driving experience is fantastic. Finally the 936C feels competitive!

Having issues with the LC2-83 cockpit however:

The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread 20190322225733-1

Have not seen it with any other cars just yet. This was with the Maribella Paolo Barilla Imola car.

Jacob, pick just the "Paolo Barillia" car and the issue will go.

EVERYONE must just pick a version with just a drivers name, it mustn't have a track name after it.
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 11:47

If you pick a car with a track name after, you NEED to go to the upgrades and pick the RIGHT upgrade for that track, if there is one.

Anyways, like Richard said, make sure you pick a car without a track name on it for the official race.
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 12:31

Does all this track and track update stuff hint to a WEC 1983 season at HSO somewhere in the future?

If so, I might go lyrical, and we all know we do not want that... Or I might just end up in heaven on earth.

This is one of the holy grails of simracing :top: :top: :top:

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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 12:39

Quote :
Does all this track and track update stuff hint to a WEC 1983 season at HSO somewhere in the future?

Next year we will have again F1, combined with Group C Sportscars racing yes. 1983? Maybe, but it could be something else. We have more stuff on the line, in the end it will depend on how finished/advanced some mods are.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 13:48

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Did you both open the file with the in-Windows winzip?
7zip 18.06 here

But as I saw while looking through all the files, my trace file correctly says that TGA files are missing. I checked just about every MAS in the mod and in most of them (and since I don't know whether full MAS files are missing or if the TGA's are supposed to be in the main MAS file of the cars) there were little to no TGA files.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread   The GTPC-AMS bugs, glitches and feedback thread Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 13:57

The graphic files in the mod are .DDS, there are only a few .TGA ones.

Follow the steps I indicated and let us know if it works. If 7zip uncompressing has so far resulted in problems, try winrar.
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