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 Hello, HSO!

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4 posters
Filip Stoyanovich
Filip Stoyanovich

Number of posts : 3
Age : 45
Location : Belgrade, Serbia
Registration date : 2019-03-09

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PostSubject: Hello, HSO!   Hello, HSO! Icon_minitimeSat 9 Mar 2019 - 19:54

Hi! Smile

I'm Filip, from Belgrade, Serbia. I'm 40 now and I've been a fan of racing since the 80s when I was just a kid.

I've noticed some of F1 1991 and 1988 CART videos coming up on Youtube a year or two earlier. After some of your videos and live races I've seen, I decided to see if I can find my spot here. I really respect all the work you've done over a decade, with both creating and modding your own series' cars and tracks as well as the live coverage. Great work! I regret I didn't find this place earlier.

Been with simracing since the beginning of the 90s. Started with Geoff Crammond F1GP. Enjoyed all his F1GP titles afterwards. The same with David Kaemmer & Papyrus' Indy 500, Indycar and NASCAR Racing series. Also Grand Prix Legends. That one was spot on, great move by Papyrus.

Back at the time only direct connection with two PCs was available for me and my buddy to race against each other and AI in numerous seasons over those years.
I was active online finally with NR2003 and rFactor altogether from 2004 - 2008. First two years in a strict and realistic full time season leagues called ESCORS - European Stock Car Racing Series which kind of died after everyone went for iRacing. But oh man that NASCAR year is full Smile but I've done two anyway. Had several wins too. Also couple of smaller domestic leagues in rFactor with Lupo cup, Seat Leon and WTCC. However had to abandon it all due to private life but also because my old Logitech black Momo FF was failing me at the same time and I wasn't in a position to get some new equipment back then. I decided finally to get back to it.

For me, iRacing is too big thing with subscription and primarily a lot of unknown people to race with and build your ranks. I wanted to be in a dedicated bunch of people for a dedicated season and possibly a longer period. So three weeks ago I got myself a G27 and Assetto Corsa. Currently enjoying the manual shifting and clutch with turbos thing there with the Lotus 98T. Lotus 72 as well as other classic F1 mods I can get my hands on such as VRC F1 and the GPL mod. I've also joined another online small AC league for a race and was happy to see I wasn't for scrap after all these years, winning my first AC online race there with C7R at Road America.

But enough of boasting from me Smile I see you race with Automobilista, and the base for it was rFactor engine which developed into Stock Car Extreme as far as I understand. Do you recommend to buy the Automobilista and all the DLC season pass that is available on Steam (the easiest option for me)?

Not to make this any longer, I love classic Indycars and F1 the most and was hoping to get there eventually and race with you guys. However I saw that the entry list is pretty much full all around. All the tracks on CART calendar are my favorites, road, street or oval. So I'll try and check out when I can to find an open spot. Any advice there?

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you on track! Smile
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Lukáš Vydra
Experienced Driver
Lukáš Vydra

Number of posts : 317
Age : 31
Location : Czech Republic
Registration date : 2018-10-29

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PostSubject: Re: Hello, HSO!   Hello, HSO! Icon_minitimeSat 9 Mar 2019 - 20:24

Hi Filip, welcome to HSO! :hello:

All Automobilista's DLCs are needed here, so as you are saying, buying the Season Pass is the easiest option for you.

Yes, all full-time rides in CART 88 championship are taken, but there are one-off available almost for each race, if someone's car is abandoned or it's driver says he would not participate in next event. One-offs are also available when driver don't confirm his presence 24 hours before the official practice starts. You can see all this in particular race thread.

I am a simple guy - I see McLaren, I take it :conduit:

Best result on the grid - 4th (2019's Gold Star Rd2 - Hockenheimring)
Best result in the race - 8th (2019's Gold Star Rd3, 2019's 1996 BTCC Rd9 Race 2, 2019's Gold Star Rd4, 2019's 1996 BTCC Rd10 Race 2)
Hello, HSO! 857
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David Sabre
Racing Legend
David Sabre

Number of posts : 5340
Age : 60
Location : england
Registration date : 2012-02-25

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PostSubject: Re: Hello, HSO!   Hello, HSO! Icon_minitimeSat 9 Mar 2019 - 20:24

Hi Filip,
Welcome on board.
A lot of our races are now for Automobilista so its best to get Automobilista and all the DLC.
Watch out for one off drives in the CART88 championship, from what I remember most tracks have a few extra cars available. The Indy 500 has a lot more cars available and qualifying to fill the 33 car grid, slower cars can try again to 'bump' their way back onto the grid.
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Filip Stoyanovich
Filip Stoyanovich

Number of posts : 3
Age : 45
Location : Belgrade, Serbia
Registration date : 2019-03-09

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PostSubject: Re: Hello, HSO!   Hello, HSO! Icon_minitimeSat 9 Mar 2019 - 21:59

OK, done Smile Thank you, boys. I'll be off to the track then. I hope I snatch an open spot during the season.
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

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PostSubject: Re: Hello, HSO!   Hello, HSO! Icon_minitimeSun 10 Mar 2019 - 18:33

Hi and welcome Filip :hello: Nice intro :top:

Thou shalt not train.
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Filip Stoyanovich
Filip Stoyanovich

Number of posts : 3
Age : 45
Location : Belgrade, Serbia
Registration date : 2019-03-09

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PostSubject: Re: Hello, HSO!   Hello, HSO! Icon_minitimeSun 10 Mar 2019 - 20:53

Thank you, Frank Smile I'm looking forward to many enjoyable races here.
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