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 ** HSO Ruling | Riverside - Mission Bell 200 **

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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

** HSO Ruling | Riverside - Mission Bell 200 ** Empty
PostSubject: ** HSO Ruling | Riverside - Mission Bell 200 **   ** HSO Ruling | Riverside - Mission Bell 200 ** Icon_minitimeTue 5 Feb 2019 - 21:37

After reviewing the Riverside race replay, the admins have made the following decisions:

Jason White receives a 1 race suspension for return to the circuit in an unsafe manner which in turn caused the retirement of another competitor. This is the 2nd time Jason has been warned for returning to the circuit in an unsafe manner. This suspension must be served in the CART 88 series, as it is the only place where Jason has a full-time drive.  A repeat incident of this in any series/event will draw further disciplinary action from the league.

Once again, we must stress: when you have an off-course excursion, and are able to continue, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that you have the room to rejoin in a safe manner.

** HSO Ruling | Riverside - Mission Bell 200 ** 462
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** HSO Ruling | Riverside - Mission Bell 200 **
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