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 Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo

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Raul Jereb
David Sabre
Juha Bos
7 posters
Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
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Registration date : 2016-05-11

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 20:23

No, I haven't driven a car with a huge 53 on it. I spent most of last week snapping cars at the Monte-Carlo Rally. The event is actually based in Gap, 300 km north of the principality, and only moves to the mountains surrounding Monaco for the final day. We didn't even go there so still haven't visited that track, unlike last year in Spain when I got to walk around parts of Montjuïc. :D

The winner was the usual one...

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_001img_0570

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_001img_9399

Despite my countrymen's Thierry Neuville and Nicolas Gilsoul's best efforts to end Sébastien Ogier's winning streak:

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_011img_9598

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_011img_0848

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_011img_0590

Estonian Ott Tänak finished third:

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_008img_1113

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_008img_0607

Just off the podium, sandwiched between the works Toyotas, 9-times World Champions Sébastien Loeb and Daniel Elena:

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_019img_9302

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_019img_9673

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_019img_1127

Fifth, Jari-Matti Latvala:

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_010img_0630

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_010img_0311

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_010img_9620

And in sixth, Kris Meeke:

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_005img_9692

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_005img_9772

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_005img_0825

The Ford team failed to deliver.

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_003img_9763

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_033img_0642

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_003img_0554

This isn't your usual Hertz hire car.

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_039img_0514

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_024img_0699

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_079img_0757

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_070img_9947

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_021img_0179

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_004img_0159

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Jbo_089img_0635
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David Sabre
Racing Legend
David Sabre

Number of posts : 5340
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Registration date : 2012-02-25

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 20:37

Some great shot there. It was a close finish. Where's the snow. :smil20:
The Monte has been on my list for ages but every year it gets less and less likely that I'll go.
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 20:48

Amazing photos JUHA!!!
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2016-05-11

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 21:45


There was snow, just not where I was and I couldn't be bothered walking to it. :D

This was my third visit, the other ones were 2011 and 2015. Puts me on equal terms with Bos Senior.

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Monte10
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 21:47

Thank you for sharing, Juha!   Very Happy
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David Sabre
Racing Legend
David Sabre

Number of posts : 5340
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Registration date : 2012-02-25

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 21:47

Did they use studded tyres ?
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2016-05-11

Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 21:55

They have the choice between these types:
Super Soft
Snow (non-studded)
Snow (studded)

There's no wet tyre. Soft tyres are for both wet and dry conditions.
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeMon 28 Jan 2019 - 21:56

Not true!

Ford didn't fail to deliver, they just "went further"... into the ditch(WRC+M-Sport Videos) lol!

Nice shots!
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Axel Putra
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Axel Putra

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Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jan 2019 - 14:37

Beautiful shots!
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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jan 2019 - 17:22

Axel Putra wrote:
Beautiful shots!


My fave is the one of the #24 with the setting sun in the background. Even though it doesn't look particularly monteesque...
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Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo   Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo Icon_minitime

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Juha goes (halfway) to Monte-Carlo
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