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 ACC and false advertisement

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Martin Lacina
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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 13:14

And you cannot deactivate the stupid automatic pit speed limit what is the think i have been always irritated. Even for historic cars which never had this.
Thats why i became to love GpL and next papyrus games because there you could did in pitlane whatever you wanted.
Thats why now i love rf and Ams. Entire freedom.

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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 13:38

IT also remains to be seen what Reiza is going to do next. I know Niels is not a fan of how the tire creator of RF2 works. I wouldn't be surprised if they come up with some hybrid solution. But the problem is the graphics engine of rf2 is already dated and not so optimized even...

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Alberto Ibañez
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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 13:52

The improved Gmotor 2 in AMS coupled with a proper graphics engine is the solution, but it is likely that this would take as much programming as a whole new game  :smil20: Not extra licensing fee, though, as I guess ISI would be happy to continue the same provided for AMS.

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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 16:40

Assetto Corsa, the original game, is good for hillclimbs. It feels okay to drive, but longer races than 4-5km and you will notice the "incompleteness" of the simulation!

AMS is at the moment the most complete simulation IMO, considering all the content it has/has the potential to have. And I don't feel much difference in the actual driving experience from rF2.

"I'm going for first!" "...the man's an animal..."
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Michal Janak
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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 17:54

Richard Wilks wrote:
I have looked into the files of the cars, and there can be potential there, but i worry with what the best modders of AC said in terms of dampening limitations in the physics engine itself for example.

Aero wise, it seems more limited than rf1 even, but tire wise, it's a totally different approach.

But the important bit for us is the fact that you don't have flag rules for ovals for example, you dont have rolling starts, you don't have safety cars, etc etc...

In czech AC league safety car for roling starts (DRM MOD) is real person going from pits and then in races virtual safetycar occur by one of the applications (? Kissmyrank) which show message Safetycar and show the speed , and in KMR is setable if this limit is penalized if overspeed , by KMR you are able too set shortcut places and for example after 15 shortcuts you are send to make stop and go

it is little commplication but better than nothing atm

what is wrong on RF2 (except the bad modding possibilities) ?

RF is still great only graphics, sounds are little aged now and some parts in netcode (disapering cars in front and rear what is bad on start specialy - in AC are all cars visible)

AMS personaly hard to say, some new features are interesting but this "tweaked" RF engine got some things which in original RF worked well now work badly, distorted sound online which for me is too disturbing, game stutters when someone join (many crashes when this happened when i was just in corner) , quick chat messages not working as before (i used them to send them as whisper to myself by assigned button on some track where occurs disconects when sit in pits for few minutes like Nordschleife), bad working upshifts specialy on CPU hard situations (starts and as i know now, more drivers told the same experience , interesting is downshifts can be done under fully pressed throthle )

ACC tested only 1-2hrs but it felt little weird for me, maybe not properly setupped car or FF is is new engine and i am not sure if is good for car simulations

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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 18:11

Oh, since this is a bashing session, the NETCODE in AC is horrible,the cars move back and forth when they lag, scaring the shit out of anybody that is following them, and when they hit each other, it's like a nuclear explosion.

You can flat shift whatever car you want, because the tranny implementation is rudimentary, so NOBODY misses gears because its impossible to do so, you can't have a proper coast engine break curve, you can't have a complex underbody aero, you can't have have two speed dampers properly, you can't have brake heating, cooling, wear (nobody cares about that according to kunos), you can't have a custom turbo pressure ramp, you can't have all the AMS custom engine map features, you can't have wheel or suspension componentes inertia you can't have adjustable bump stop stiffness, etc etc etc...

Most cars sound tinny and awefull, with only two or three moddders making a decent thing out of the sound there, and the reverb in tracks sounds horrible compared with the AMS one.

Now, to be fair, there are things (just a few) that the physics model has that the rf1 one doesn't have, but i am sure Janak will tell us all about it.

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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 18:22

As for rf2, the game runs slow, it's a pain to setup and to mod, and some basic features are buggy still making the game quite unstable, as the long bug report thread in their forums and some wild youtuber rants in live streams show.

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David Jundt
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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jan 2019 - 20:09

Should I mention the screen freezes, that people(especially at SRC) originally put down as the server having a hiccup after a few hours of driving on occasion, also happen in shorter events?

If someone starts lagging back towards you, better pray it doesn't when you're passing that point...

I still love rF2 the most apart from AMS, but I absolutely know it's also far from perfect.

I think they dumbed down the content like the GT cars to make the more accessible to normies, but less of a challenge for experienced racers.

Just try to be as fast with the URD mod for example... which has some modding members that helped make the official GT cars for S397.


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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PostSubject: Re: ACC and false advertisement   ACC and false advertisement - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 26 Jan 2019 - 16:57

Richard Wilks wrote:
Francois, why you don't like rf2? Or AMS? I recently toyed around with F1 91 in AMS, and once i changed the physics, the results are amazing. I think somethings are a step forward, and AMS physics engine really is a bit more advanced.

its not a matter what i dont like or do like, we all have the same passion here
Getting the best experience in a sim , physics AND Graphics!

my personal downs are mainly from modding aspect its frustrating i only can make rf1 look realy good , with ams i can't use my techniques i learned over the years and next to that,
rf2 or AMS dont have the physics that are supported in the minds of duke ( F1 1991HE) and Gabriele ( F1 1958 ) and like you are on a mission to stamp the group C out into AMS
( how about the tracks then?? becasue i aint going to to do that)
mine is to stamp a highly accurate 91 trackpack out of rfactor 1 next to a new highly advanced physics pack with a new redesigned tire model with heat effects!
They ONLY for rf1 and not allowed to convert to any other platform, just said!

In general my mind is with Aberto thoughts,
its rf1 with turbo and tire effects nothing more

Simply rf1 has the mods that realy looks AWESOME till this day, it only lacks good 60s 70s tracks, and i stongly believe if some here try to convert a assetto corsa track back to rf1 , lets say Riverside/bridgehampton/zandvoort
I can make it work and we have a Absolute blast with the Historix GT cars!

Overall what I want is is to race with you all in high quality mods and high quality tracks also in AMS !

long live HSO!!


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