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 Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned

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Jason White
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Jason White

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Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Empty
PostSubject: Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned   Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Icon_minitimeWed 26 Sep 2018 - 18:59

According to the Detroit News, Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely was a self-made, Michigan Hall-of-Fame driver and engineer who passed away in 2017.  His automotive collection is being auctioned off this Saturday in Whitmore Lake, Michigan, and there are several very interesting items.

Article about the estate here:

Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned 67cd96b2-56dc-4464-9a7b-34b59d83b97e-conely_eagle
A 1969 Eagle Mk 5 504 used in Formula 5000, built by Dan Gurney, of course.

Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned 11f2ea54-f614-418a-b451-e0a5d0511b7e-conely_89-indycar
An unidentified Indy car with lots of spare rims.

Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned 9969a5d5-5b4e-4fb5-aa25-8dfe3c11f4d0-conely_48-indy_car
Another Indy car, this is a Lola (see the logo on the nose).

Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned 3f3c12cb-391f-4999-a6da-be404d111b87-conely_oval-car
From the Detroit News article: "Jack Conely at the Indy Motor Speedway in one of his two attempts to qualify for the Indy 500 in the early 1960s."

Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned   Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Icon_minitimeWed 26 Sep 2018 - 19:04

The third image is a Lola T190 usually a F5000 car but it could have been modified to be an Indy car. Large V8 engine next to the rear.
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Austin Johnson
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Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned   Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Icon_minitimeThu 27 Sep 2018 - 3:36

Its sad to see an old racers cars and shit being auctioned off. All the time he spent and man hours, If only they knew how much those meant to him. pale Crying or Very sad

"The Winner ain't the one with the fastest car, it's the one who refuses to lose." Dale Earnhardt. Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned 559
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Jason Fitch
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Jason Fitch

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Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned   Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Icon_minitimeSun 30 Sep 2018 - 6:53

These were posted on an Historic Open Wheel group I'm in on Facebook. Consensus was that the #42 is an Eagle F5000 as you stated, the #48 was a Lola T190 F5000 car and the #89 in the middle is a Rear-Engined Watson Indy Car.

Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned 728

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Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned   Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned Icon_minitime

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Jack "The Brighton Bandit" Conely's race cars being auctioned
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