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 Anyone know how to solve this?

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4 posters
Ashar Firdaus
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Ashar Firdaus

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Anyone know how to solve this? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone know how to solve this?   Anyone know how to solve this? Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jun 2018 - 5:51


So i get F1 1985 for rFactor and try race offline.But,this nutty thing happen.The pace car is not a real pace car but instead a Alfa Romeo 185T (you know,the one with V8 turbo engine).
Anyone know how to solve this? Grab_011
Anyone knew how to solve this problem?
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Anyone know how to solve this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to solve this?   Anyone know how to solve this? Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jun 2018 - 10:21

The pacecar is set in the .rfm file. The .rfm file points to a .veh file for the pacecar.

.rfm file example.
Vehicle Filter = * // this filter allows any vehicle
SafetyCar = Hammer_PC.veh

If the mod does not have the any vehicle filter you will need the pacecar located in the same folder as the mod cars.
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Ashar Firdaus
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Ashar Firdaus

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Registration date : 2018-06-01

Anyone know how to solve this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to solve this?   Anyone know how to solve this? Icon_minitimeSat 30 Jun 2018 - 7:33

David Sabre wrote:
The pacecar is set in the .rfm file. The .rfm file points to a .veh file for the pacecar.

.rfm file example.
Vehicle Filter = *  // this filter allows any vehicle
SafetyCar = Hammer_PC.veh

If the mod does not have the any vehicle filter you will need the pacecar located in the same folder as the mod cars.
Still not solved Crying or Very sad
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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Anyone know how to solve this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to solve this?   Anyone know how to solve this? Icon_minitimeSat 30 Jun 2018 - 16:36

Ashar Firdaus wrote:

So i get F1 1985 for rFactor and try race offline.But,this nutty thing happen.The pace car is not a real pace car but instead a Alfa Romeo 185T (you know,the one with V8 turbo engine).

Anyone knew how to solve this problem?

1. this isn't a "problem", fairly sure its exactly as the mod maker intended. (keep graphics load to a minimum)
2. how does this impact your offline races at all? (other than visually?)
3. if you would really like a visual change, then take the advice that sabre gave and YOU work on it
4. what car would YOU like to see (im guessing the stock hammer with its 2000s ish mustang look wouldn't be what you want either)
5. find the car files for your desired car, and follow sabre's instructions, then, if you still can't get it to work, at least communicate what you have tried and are trying to do, and you will likely get some more advice. simply writing "still not solved" isn't going to work. do you expect people to drop what they are doing to make an adjustment that YOU want? you need to put a little effort in on your own end.

good luck,
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Anyone know how to solve this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to solve this?   Anyone know how to solve this? Icon_minitimeFri 13 Dec 2019 - 19:02

its a mod question but to make a new topic i think this suits  here

A question to excel guys here
I'm in a luxury i have people on the office who know this better as i do , rather stay away from it

i have to add 244 haybayles to a track
and dont wanne do them 1 by in the scn
i believe in excel , my colleagues said you just copy them to row 244 but it wont work
i have excel 2010

MeshFile=sign_haybayle01.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False

anybody know how i can do this by a few seconds?
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Anyone know how to solve this? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know how to solve this?   Anyone know how to solve this? Icon_minitime

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Anyone know how to solve this?
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