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 Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)

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4 posters
Alberto Iquino
Club Driver
Alberto Iquino

Number of posts : 84
Age : 19
Location : Valencia
Registration date : 2018-04-25

Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Empty
PostSubject: Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)   Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 20:50

All you did it very well, but I'm sad because I wanted to  join Very Happy Sad
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Raul Jereb
Racing Legend
Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
Age : 50
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)   Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 21:11

your time is comming young padawan!
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Alberto Iquino
Club Driver
Alberto Iquino

Number of posts : 84
Age : 19
Location : Valencia
Registration date : 2018-04-25

Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)   Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Icon_minitimeMon 21 May 2018 - 15:25

ha ha ha Laughing. You are right. I hope to race in Pocono :conduit:
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Stephen Miller

Number of posts : 7
Age : 71
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2016-05-15

Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)   Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Icon_minitimeMon 21 May 2018 - 15:35

Hi, it says provisional results are posted. Can you include a link when you make that comment, as I have no idea where they might be? Cheers
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)   Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Icon_minitimeMon 21 May 2018 - 15:37

Stephen Miller wrote:
Hi, it says provisional results are posted. Can you include a link when you make that comment, as I have no idea where they might be? Cheers

Look on the main website.
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Stephen Miller

Number of posts : 7
Age : 71
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2016-05-15

Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)   Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Icon_minitimeMon 21 May 2018 - 17:55

Jason White wrote:
Stephen Miller wrote:
Hi, it says provisional results are posted. Can you include a link when you make that comment, as I have no idea where they might be? Cheers

Look on the main website.

Thanks. My saved link has always been to the forum, so I don't think I have ever seen the main page. Most of the time I look on a Ipad, which doesn't seem to like to work with the HSO website, being very slow and ponderous( just sharing some feedback). Not sure why that is, but just an observation that I don't see on PC.

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Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)   Indianapolis 500 (may 20th) Icon_minitime

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Indianapolis 500 (may 20th)
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