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 VR headsets

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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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PostSubject: VR headsets   VR headsets Icon_minitimeTue 3 Apr 2018 - 10:00

I'm thinking of replacing my monitor. Still racing on a 24inch monitor and that's becoming a bit limited.

However, I'm thinking that instead of a monitor, I might consider one of these VR headsets. You seem them turning up more and more in vids and youtube etc.

Does anyone here have experience with those? And the case being, what would you recommend. Oculus Rift seems to be allover the place, but is the only one? And is it any good for simracing.

Thanks in advance,


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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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PostSubject: Re: VR headsets   VR headsets Icon_minitimeTue 3 Apr 2018 - 13:19

I'd assume the sims you primarily use are AMS and rF1, Timo?

If so, VR is going to be a no go. No support from either of those for VR.

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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: VR headsets   VR headsets Icon_minitimeTue 3 Apr 2018 - 14:19

VR is a risky thing. Nothing guarantees you are not going to get sick from the motion, and the resolution is not as good as a monitor. I believe that at least for now and until it improves, a big curved monitor is a way better proposal. Petr Hlavac posted here some months ago about his new monitor, a ultrawide, curved, gaming monitor which looked fantastic. I am now using also a curved one, and very happy with it.

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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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PostSubject: Re: VR headsets   VR headsets Icon_minitimeTue 3 Apr 2018 - 14:34

Samsung 27" curved screen freesync monitor here.

I like it, and coming from a small 20" monitor it was a world of difference.
Wanting to add 2 more of them for triples, but it'll have to wait for now.

My main issue with a single monitor is peripheral view. I struggle, at times, to see my blind spots.
Head trackers cause too much movement for me. Not a motion sickness issue as much as losing ability to focus on the motions of the car (which are relied on in sim racing, obviously, since we are missing ass in seat and all feel that comes with it)

IMO, VR is the future of sim racing, especially.
Triples can never replicate a true 1:1 scaled environment.

But, as Alberto said, there are issues to be overcome. Some in the hardware itself (inside VR you cannot see your physical wheel/shifter/other stuffs, so have to go at it blind) and some with the users (motion sickness in VR is a game breaker for some. Others say you just have to go at it slow and get your "legs"...small intervals of time in the beginning, then longer)

VR, even at lowered resolutions is fairly heavy in terms of hardware usage, so you're going to need to make sure your machine is able to pump it out efficiently.

Resolutions are improving, but it'll be a while still, I think.

Matter of personal opinion and what one feels gives them the most immersive experience, really.

But, I foresee a future where VR in sim racing is the norm.
I'd love to give it a go, even now. Sadly, I live in the middle of nowhere, literally a few hundred miles from anything resembling such a place to test such a thing. And, funds are a bit short for all the gear required to test it for myself at this time. Meh, maybe someday.

Proud 2017 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year  :first:
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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PostSubject: Re: VR headsets   VR headsets Icon_minitimeTue 3 Apr 2018 - 18:32

Thanks for the feed-back guys.

I indeed mostly play rF1 and AMS, so it seems it would be needless. I'm just glad I checked here first before rushing in like a headless chicken.

The fact that I would not be able to see my steering wheel was also a though that crossed my mind. Would not be a real issue in racesims as everything there is mapped to the wheel, but for ETS2 it could be a nuissance to not be able of seeing the keyboard.

A curved monitor indeed is the other option. I have now been using an Iiyama ProLite for the last 6 years or so and am very satisfied with that. Iiyama now also has curved monitors aimed at gamers in their range, so I'll think I have a look at that.

Thanks again.


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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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PostSubject: Re: VR headsets   VR headsets Icon_minitimeTue 3 Apr 2018 - 19:51

I heard about some payware programm that would enable you to look around in rF1, maybe AMS aswell.

Actually, it was this one here: https://www.vorpx.com/

I heard it's rather limited though.


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