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 Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd]

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Alex Riolo
Florkin Marc
Ole Marius Myrvold
Rossetti Paolo
Philippe Martinelli
Emmanuel Haas
Yves Plaçais
Mick Chapman
Gabriele Del Piccolo
Raymond Riddall
Chris Stephens
Brian Janik
David Jaques
John Thim
Michal Janak
François Remmen
Pascal Mikula
Gérard Ryon
David Jundt
Richard Coxon
Jonatan Acerclinth
Bruno Chacon
Jan Kowalski
Martin Lacina
Juha Bos
Jason Fitch
Victor Montenegro
Jason Whited
Jason White
33 posters
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John Thim
Club Driver
John Thim

Number of posts : 106
Age : 41
Location : Eskilstuna, Sweden
Registration date : 2017-08-30

Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd]   Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 5 Dec 2017 - 18:19

Always wanted to join a F1 1991 series.
Came in late, mainly due to a video posted on youtube by my last race teammate 'Jason Whited' talking about his 'shitbox' Coloni. Thanks Jason! :D

Despite the season being long gone, still decided to join and I'm very glad I did. Very Happy

Has been a short but amazing experience. Everything from the well devoted tracks (full admiration for Francois, Brain and Sabre). The driving, demanding cars (hard to setup) great 'lookers' and the screaming sounds. And not to mention the competition with close and clean battles and everything well organized.

I really hope HSO will be considering a F1 1991 season in the future.

Well done and thanks again! :flag:
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Philippe Martinelli
Racing Legend

Number of posts : 1079
Age : 68
Location : Beausoleil, France
Registration date : 2008-12-13

Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd]   Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 6 Dec 2017 - 17:58

Yves Plaçais wrote:
Dernier abandon... à 27 km/h !   scratch  .... à l'image de ma saison..... pitoyable !  Crying or Very sad

Pas fâché que ça se termine ou "Dans la peau de Fernando Alonso" :D

Je t'accompagne dans ce constat en ce qui me concerne... :aie:

Je me demande encore comment j'ai pu en terminer une... Question  Un miracle ou une anomalie de l'espace-temps peut-être :D

Cependant, merci à tous pour l'organisation de cette saison :top:
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Jason Whited
Pro Driver
Jason Whited

Number of posts : 581
Age : 40
Location : Virginia, USA
Registration date : 2017-03-08

Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd]   Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 6 Dec 2017 - 19:15

John Thim wrote:
Always wanted to join a F1 1991 series.
Came in late, mainly due to a video posted on youtube by my last race teammate 'Jason Whited' talking about his 'shitbox' Coloni. Thanks Jason! :D

I was about to say I don't remember that. Then I remembered posting in the chat box during one of the events, after I had crashed the Coloni, or didn't make the quali cut (can't remember which).

Nonetheless...glad my goofy posts were good for something. :drink:
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Victor Montenegro
Club Driver
Victor Montenegro

Number of posts : 63
Age : 29
Location : Natal, Brazil
Registration date : 2017-06-06

Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd]   Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Dec 2017 - 7:48

About Adelaide:

I waited for this test since I put my foot here, it is one of my favorites, and I was very happy with the arrival of this race, but things did not work out as I predicted, at the beginning of the week my configuration did not fit into the track and in the car as I wanted, I changed the car from end to end in the short time I had to train but I could not make him ride in a way that I like! but above all else (as some of you know) the race does not start when the grid lights go out, they start two weeks earlier in the supermarket, on the street, in the restaurant with what happens to your mind, and how you treat it!

At the start I slipped more than I should, and car went to the left, I looked in the mirror and I gear up and the car moved more to the left and I touched to Williams, without intention pale , so much that I get back to the right to give space fast as possible! but Pascal missed the B. point and went up on the outer curb, I saw a space and I went, but he went to the same place, I believe the damage appeared in that second touch, unintentionally without doubt, I spin at the end of the first lap, i regain some positions but I was not with the head in the race and I hit the wall on the same curve as my teammate, a shame because I expected a lot for me and the Dallara! Embarassed

P.s.: Sorry for the delay, I have not had much time for anything lately!
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Victor Montenegro
Club Driver
Victor Montenegro

Number of posts : 63
Age : 29
Location : Natal, Brazil
Registration date : 2017-06-06

Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: About the season   Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Dec 2017 - 8:11

I had decided to move away from rfactor 1 a few months ago, but the "mine shitbox" video from Jason, an unassisted season, in the most realistic mod i had ever ridden in rf1, with full duration and 30 drivers pushing the car to it's limits, got me, i could'nt live without running into this madness like this! geek

I like to think that the season began in Portugal when i became an AGS driver alongside with Jonatan :regl: , that bomb was the most important car of the season for me, with him i learned to dominate the car, especially that gearbox, i learned how to get the most out of it , as a consequence i improved my brakes, the work with the distribution of weight (made on driving), and many other things ... but i did not expect all that, second place with that cart? ok it was only 2 to 3 laps, but still an AGS!  Laughing  Laughing  :rigol:

Obviously left Portugal with a certainty that i need a competitive car, the Dallara looked like a godsend gift!! Fast, stable and powerful, Pole Position in Spain made me excited, i was able to resist the DJ for 20 laps, but things happened and i did not take advantage of the chance i had to face the champion like i wanted, something i didn't have more in the season. pale

In Japan the first and last:

I entered only 90% in the race and many mistakes  as a result, i classify it as my second worst race in the season (in self-evaluation of performance, without considering the result), Just behind the Italian race, but lucky smiled to me and in I was in the right place and in the right moment in Japan! winning the first race at Suzuka was very special for me! :champ:

I just want to thank everyone for this fantastic season and for all the crazy people who made this championship something memorable! :clap: :hello:
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Lukáš Vydra
Experienced Driver
Lukáš Vydra

Number of posts : 317
Age : 31
Location : Czech Republic
Registration date : 2018-10-29

Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd]   Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 25 Jan 2019 - 10:09

The results table Smile
Round 16 - Australian Grand Prix [Dec 3rd] - Page 6 BZ9A
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