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 Automobilista Fun Nights

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Axel Putra
David Jundt
Sam Smith
Steve Parker
Gérard Ryon
David Jaques
Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeFri 6 Oct 2017 - 16:15

Automobilista Fun Nights Ams_lo10

From now a Automobilista (AMS) server will be running for you all to try out. If you have other friends in other groups  that may feel like joining us please invite them too, everyone is welcome.

In the future we will plan some organised events, but for now there will just be a server running with various tracks.

We will be using tracks that are part of the DLC content, so if you intend to buy the game, make sure you purchase it with the season pass included, it will save you a lot of money! Wink

Game link on steam, you currently save 40% if you buy the season pass with the game.

This is also a note to you all that as of next year, HSO will be running several events or even a full series on AMS, so if you do not own the game, you may want to keep a look out on the Steam store for the game being on special offer (Black Friday or Xmas sales for example)

We hope to see some of you on track over the weekend and in the future! :conduit:


Server name: Historic Sim Racing AMS
Server password : hso2017

At the moment the server is set to just use the Caterham SuperSports. In the future if we have a crowd or to switch things up, we may change car classes and tracks.

Feel free to ask any questions! :top:

Last edited by Richard Coxon on Mon 9 Oct 2017 - 22:15; edited 3 times in total
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 0:57

so excited to see this! had to work late tonight, but looking forward to racing with you guys on AMS!

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 9:21

David Jaques wrote:
so excited to see this!  had to work late tonight, but looking forward to racing with you guys on AMS!

Hope to see you on the server over the weekend.

If anyone is in doubt about this game, you won't be. It has more positive reviews on Steam than rF2. David was unsure but you love it once you bought it, correct me if I am wrong though Wink
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Gérard Ryon
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Gérard Ryon

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 10:34

:top: Acheter
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 14:10

The server is back up. All should be working now for those that had issues. :top:
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 15:20

Richard Coxon wrote:
David Jaques wrote:
so excited to see this!  had to work late tonight, but looking forward to racing with you guys on AMS!

Hope to see you on the server over the weekend.

If anyone is in doubt about this game, you won't be. It has more positive reviews on Steam than rF2. David was unsure but you love it once you bought it, correct me if I am wrong though Wink

absolutely correct, i was a bit dismissive of ams at first, looked like rf1 with a skin over the main menu, but shame on me for not looking closer. all the structure and framework of rf1 that we are all used to is mostly the same, so mods are easy peezy to install. All the new features are great, tire pickup, overall how the game is optimized to run, all huge improvements, but the real gold is the overall physics, all the factory included content and DLC (worth it get the DLC) handle amazing. every lap, every corner is an adventure, no just steering the wheel, you need to balance the car to get the most out of it. i could go on, but ill spare everyone Razz my opinion, ams is really well done, well worth it, and the natural progression from rf1.

As already mentioned, the DLC is well worth it, and if you purchase it at the same time as the game you will usually get a significant discount. and talking about discounts, steam has sales all the time, i was lucky and got it during the summer sale, if the price is too high for anyone keep your eye on it, there are usually some sales coming up, black friday and christmas. hopefully everyone can get it without breaking the bank.

im going in for some quick laps now, see ya all out there!

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 21:02

I'm on the server now for an hour or so if anyone fancies a bit of fun :conduit:
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 21:14

Just installed m8,be on in few mins
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 7 Oct 2017 - 22:51

Just to let you all know, the Brazilian V8 Stock Cars are loaded for tonight. If people want, i can change it back to the Caterhams tomorrow :top:
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Sam Smith
Sam Smith

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 1:05

Fantastic news!
I've secretly been hoping you guys might give AMS a go. I too was also hoping RF2 would finally get to where it should be and all the great work you guys have done with rf1 could be transferred over. But I feel like it's really struggling to get there on anything other than a super computer.
I hope I can finally race with you lot in the fantastic structure you all have established around here.
Remember to grab Patrick's track mega pack from racedepartment. He works with Reiza and his work on upgrading old rf1 tracks is superb.
There is also an oval track pack on there which could help with testing the hso cart 88 mod Smile
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 1:11

Welcome to HSO Sam, we hope to see you on track soon :top:
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 8:14

I've actually been a level 11 backer of their simracing bonanza, but still need to get some of my perks, like my own team/car/livery/driver in the game.

Formula Classic would be perfect for you guys, but most cars are fun.

To me, even though people aren't wrong, "rF1.5" or "rFactor on Steroids" sounds like an insult to me. This is what rF could've been if it had been tended more to and brought to modern times.
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Axel Putra
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Axel Putra

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 10:14

David Jundt wrote:
I've actually been a level 11 backer of their simracing bonanza, but still need to get some of my perks, like my own team/car/livery/driver in the game.

Formula Classic would be perfect for you guys, but most cars are fun.

To me, even though people aren't wrong, "rF1.5" or "rFactor on Steroids" sounds like an insult to me. This is what rF could've been if it had been tended more to and brought to modern times.

rF1.5 or rF on steroids is still better than butthead saying "another rFactor". Sighs.

Just imagine if studio 397 and Reiza work together.... rFactor3?

I wish I could join you but my laptop is not strong enough for Automobilista :doh:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 14:42

Interesting to hear David.

We have plenty of ideas, which may include things you've never seen before in a sim  Wink
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Jason White
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Jason White

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 15:56

All loaded up and ready for fun Smile
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 17:10

might be a bit late in the day, but i'll try anyway; anyone up for a quick meet up on the server after the f1 91 race is complete?

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 17:25

I'll try and be there, but as you say it's late in the day for us Europeans.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 22:00

AMS server is back up after the F1 race :conduit:
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 22:01

sweet, on the way in for a spin now

PS> fun times guys, great running. thanks for switching it up, love all the different cars, especially the ones with way more power than grip Razz formula vee might be nicer to leave running for everyone else, but i do like those super karts
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 19:07

anyone up for some laps at the normal 21 00h? (about 1hr from now)

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 19:33

Should be there just after.

I'll load Formula Vee.
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Sky Willis
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Sky Willis

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeTue 10 Oct 2017 - 16:51

hi all! been a while. i noticed you on the ams multiplayer finder thingy. its my favorite (mostly offline) drive for fun sim.

my thoughts on it:
the formula vee is so much fun Very Happy the other cars i really like are the caterhams and sports 2000. those are what i drive mostly.

i don't get on with the big single seaters though, feel like i lose the back end too easy.

so maybe i'll come racing again.  :D

(i've been ill, then busy, then ill, then lost all my rfactor stuff and couldn't be bothered to reinstall it again, then did some iracing  Laughing )
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeTue 10 Oct 2017 - 17:38

Nice to see you back Sky, 

Hopefully you can join us for some AMS races  :top:
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Chris Stephens
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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 21 Oct 2017 - 13:43

Great news to hear HSO will be running some AMS. Love this sim, was actually in an AMS league before finding my way here. Hoping to get on the track with you soon for the fun races just still really busy for a few more weeks.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: Automobilista Fun Nights   Automobilista Fun Nights Icon_minitimeSat 21 Oct 2017 - 13:52

Chris Stephens wrote:
Great news to hear HSO will be running some AMS. Love this sim, was actually in an AMS league before finding my way here. Hoping to get on the track with you soon for the fun races just still really busy for a few more weeks.

Nice to hear another positive review of AMS. The game doesn't get the recognition it deserves. There will be plenty of events on AMS this year and next. Hope to see you there.
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