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 Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]

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Mike Becnel
Alex Riolo
Simon Wattman
David Jaques
Victor Alcocer
Philippe Martinelli
Petr Hlavac
Richard Coxon
Mick Chapman
Raymond Riddall
Martin Lacina
Chris Stephens
Juha Bos
Emmanuel Haas
Florkin Marc
Richard Wilks
Victor Montenegro
François Remmen
John Thim
Rossetti Paolo
Yves Plaçais
Pascal Mikula
Jason Fitch
Bruno Chacon
Gabriele Del Piccolo
Jonatan Acerclinth
Michal Janak
Jason Whited
David Jundt
Jason White
34 posters
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Victor Alcocer
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Victor Alcocer

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 20:20

6 petit tours et puis sans va cheers

Nan serieusement c'est dommage surtout que mon rythme semblait pas trop mauvais
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 20:37

Live picture here

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 20:56

I was in a great race, climbing positions until the Jhonathan Acerclinth Rage hit me behind and damaged my suspension...... :doh:

My first race in F1 this year, I and I really enjoyed.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 21:24

No comment about this race.
Pole position was all nice and wonderful, but then after the start Dave Jaques got me. Alright, nothing wrong with that; There's a reason why he's the champion.
But then.. I swear to God, Francois if I was trying to "defend" my position like you did, I'd get my arse banned! I mean, trying to defend your position is okay, but cutting into my line under braking and risking that I run my wing off on your rear-end is another thing!
Well.. In the end, it was my own fault that I DNF'd, with a wrecked suspension and a lost Front Wing, so yeah.. That win at Monza was a one-off, I tell you.
Anyways, got my steam off for now. As Mick told me, better look at the replay now before continuing my rants.

Apologies to Jason Whited for having pushed him off during overlapping; Really stupid push from me, I should've backed off a bit in that corner.
Grats to whoever wins and hopefully, see you in the next race.

Last edited by Pascal Mikula on Sun 8 Oct 2017 - 22:06; edited 2 times in total
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 21:42




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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 21:53

Philippe Henrique wrote:
I was in a great race, climbing positions until the Jhonathan Acerclinth Rage hit me behind and damaged my suspension...... :doh:  

My first race in F1 this year, I and I really enjoyed.
I'm terribly sorry for hitting you.

I was catching up and expected the two of you to be able to brake when I usually do but both of you broke early and I locked up trying to slow down enough as to not hit you Sad

My sincerest appologise for such a stupid misstake.
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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 22:03

Jonatan Acerclinth wrote:
Philippe Henrique wrote:
I was in a great race, climbing positions until the Jhonathan Acerclinth Rage hit me behind and damaged my suspension...... :doh:  

My first race in F1 this year, I and I really enjoyed.
I'm terribly sorry for hitting you.

I was catching up and expected the two of you to be able to brake when I usually do but both of you broke early and I locked up trying to slow down enough as to not hit you Sad

My sincerest appologise for such a stupid misstake.

No problem, it's a race thing. But after the race i saw the replay and i saw you did not hit me, I don't know why my suspension damaged, Lag or Wrap I think.... :hello: :top:
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Jason White
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Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
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Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 22:08

Results and points are up
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Florkin Marc
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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 22:18

Que c'est il passé David ???? Embarassed Embarassed
J'ai pas encore revu la course, se sera pour demain.
Mais je ne me souvient pas d'avoir fait une bétisse !
scratch scratch
Merci de m'avoir aidé, je sais que lorsque j'ai vu la Tyrell dans mes rétro, je t'ai laissé passé,après j'étais beaucoup plus vite dans la ligne droite (aspiration ?), je pensais que tu avais des problèmes , car tu étais derrière moi auparavant et ce n'était pas normal !!!

Encore désolé David

Marcus :papy:

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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 8 Oct 2017 - 22:23

Philippe Henrique wrote:
Jonatan Acerclinth wrote:
Philippe Henrique wrote:
I was in a great race, climbing positions until the Jhonathan Acerclinth Rage hit me behind and damaged my suspension...... :doh:  

My first race in F1 this year, I and I really enjoyed.
I'm terribly sorry for hitting you.

I was catching up and expected the two of you to be able to brake when I usually do but both of you broke early and I locked up trying to slow down enough as to not hit you Sad

My sincerest appologise for such a stupid misstake.

No problem, it's a race thing. But after the race i saw the replay and i saw you did not hit me, I don't know why my suspension damaged, Lag or Wrap I think.... :hello: :top:
No worries, I thought I had hit you but only a "small tap", a nudge if you will, but either way, sorry as it clearly impacted you race negatively and thank you for clearing it all up Smile

No hard feelings on my end :drink:
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Victor Montenegro
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Victor Montenegro

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 0:38

Man, What a race! After starting tenth on the first lap I became fifth, thanks to little mistakes of other drivers, when I least expected it I was already in second Place!!!! with an AGS!!!! :conduit:  I put this carriage in the top 3!

But not everything was easy, everything would be fine until the car got stuck in the 6th gear on Turn 6 and I dropped 6 positions ...  Evil or Very Mad ... Jesus Christ, help me!

Everything was going well until after my first stop, on the exit I got the ferrari position, but before finishing the lap 36 my engine exloded, some things prevented me from doing a test race and the result was this, I should have finished in points but I ended up abandoned 3 in 3 races. Sad
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Registration date : 2016-05-11

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 9:41

Victor, when I saw you in second place I was wondering which car you drove. The thought of an AGS running so high came as a shock. :D

My fifth place was unexpected for me. I started ninth, gained a few places and was running with my teammate when I took a different line in the first corner and it the barrier. I crawled back to the pits and still held eleventh place after the repairs. The steering wheel had a 45° angle on the straights but I still passed Gerard, picked up a few more places and spent a long time chasing Philippe Martinelli for sixth place (which later became fifth). I could close the gap to a few seconds after his pit stop but I only made it through when Philippe went into the gravel. Without my accident a third place would have been possible, but given the circumstances I'm glad I still salvaged two points.
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Bruno Chacon
Experienced Driver
Bruno Chacon

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Registration date : 2017-03-08

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 10:40

For me, it was a race of overcoming. I knew that any distraction the price would be high and with my cockpit not comfortable, would be a gratuitous torture.
I started with caution and bending my efforts, I tried to follow Phillipe Henrique until he made a mistake in the S's and burst his car into the walls.
I searched for a consistent rhythm so that I could get the car to the end, arms and legs extremely sore. Was it because of age or the others were also suffering like this?
I planned the race for only 1 pit stop and it went well, running with A (hard) tires in the front and C (soft) behind. My car was not a speed bump with this combination but it worked for me until Jason Whited started to hell with my approaching life with every lap. A psychological scuffle and he took advantage of 36 seconds for less than 15 seconds until finally he gave up causing a heart attack in an old man who was desperately fighting almost breathless ... hehehe
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Gérard Ryon
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Gérard Ryon

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Location : Antwerpen (Belgique)
Registration date : 2009-05-25

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 16:06

Juha Bos wrote:
The steering wheel had a 45° angle on the straights but I still passed Gerard
Pas possible Juha,tu a vu un fantôme. affraid lol!
Bravo Philippe. :top:
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 16:19

Gérard Ryon wrote:
Juha Bos wrote:
The steering wheel had a 45° angle on the straights but I still passed Gerard
Pas possible Juha,tu a vu un fantôme. affraid lol!
Bravo Philippe. :top:

Ou je me trompe de compatriote et j'ai vu Marc. Désolé Gérard. Laughing
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 16:31

Bruno Chacon wrote:

For me, it was a race of overcoming. I knew that any distraction the price would be high and with my cockpit not comfortable, would be a gratuitous torture.
I started with caution and bending my efforts, I tried to follow Phillipe Henrique until he made a mistake in the S's and burst his car into the walls.
I searched for a consistent rhythm so that I could get the car to the end, arms and legs extremely sore. Was it because of age or the others were also suffering like this?
I planned the race for only 1 pit stop and it went well, running with A (hard) tires in the front and C (soft) behind. My car was not a speed bump with this combination but it worked for me until Jason Whited started to hell with my approaching life with every lap. A psychological scuffle and he took advantage of 36 seconds for less than 15 seconds until finally he gave up causing a heart attack in an old man who was desperately fighting almost breathless ... hehehe

i know the difference between uncomfortable chair and seat from car , on kitchen chair is more than 1h very soring but in seat from car i was able drive 6h race alone
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 17:55

Finaly a podium with "our" 1991he mod i love so much in a championship  :second:

but overal mainly strong racers got napping by the long summer  last night, they  were surprisingly out of shape  :smil20:
encouter a awesome performance by that AGS!  :top:
for the realy first time , but i had also the whole summer to work on Estoril i worked mainly on a good race and qualify setup. This track is one of the technical ones of the season
finding balance and top end speed at the same time , also exploid the weakness the top cars like Ferrari
but more intresting to know is what you guys using for tires

my strategy was to go with Softs till lap 40 then pit and put on super softs only on the RIGHT side and keep the softs on the left.
you can do that in the pitmenu onboard, sadly not in the garage which is down to rfactor
but the end result was still not easy, 1st i run into my so called beloved gravel traps try to keep up with Davids Jordan , but man he is a class if his own! Then by a miscalculation , my fuel burned off too rapidly ( 190L ) boost 10
and had to safe for about 8 laps , running boost 1! to even finish it!
so Pascal if you once get that calm in your head and accept you can be overtaken by slower cars then your race would be much easier, last night also your setup wasnt optimal suited, still driving a much powerfull car then the Dallara, must be frustrating i understand..
but abuse me from cutting , properly you mean the slow left hander  ( 90kph) you already forgot 2 corners earlier at the straight where i overtake  you almost putting me into the pitwall by 310KPH! and wheelbanged
maybe this refesh your mind

I was still on the black paved line and have to turn someday you wern't in front and still in the blind spot. that turn nobody hardly overtakes cause its too damn tricky , for you it feels like i shot the door but for me it felt like you try to T bone me. you could have gone p2 if you let keep yourself calm
cause you can win so you prove already Very Happy

now to spain where dark clouds will appear...... :D

Last edited by François Remmen on Mon 9 Oct 2017 - 19:12; edited 1 time in total
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John Thim
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John Thim

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 18:56

Well deserved Francois!

And a great track, looked awesome! One of my favorite layouts even do I struggled alot in my Footwork.
Still loads of fun. Thanks again for the help with setup!
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 19:00

really wasn't sure what to expect from this one, took a lot of time to get a setup working for pace, but was a handful to drive. pushed incredibly hard in qualifying and felt like i got nearly everything out of it, took until the very last run on saturday to get my time.

race day i knew many would be close on pace, my focus was to stay as consistent as possible, and dedicated sunday practice to full load runs, getting to know the car in the opening laps so i knew what to expect. that really paid off, as on the first laps it seemed pascal was maybe being cautious, which allowed me to stay close, made a good exit off the final turn and drafted by on the straight. tried to be consistent and smooth from there, managed to keep it clean and had a mostly lonely race, other than a miscommunication with traffic at the end. (just a quick note on this, in my opinion, i think some of the traffic needs to get out of the way LESS. i understand it is a nice gesture, but the greater the difference of speed between the cars the greater the potential for disaster. before lifting or braking make sure the cars are on different lines, suddenly slowing when the cars are in line leaves very little time to react. the car behind is not necessarily going to dive inside at every corner. just my 2 cents, would love to hear others opinions).

about tires, i started on B mediums, and at the stop put B on the left sides, and C soft on the rights. i was right on the limit of being able to use the Cs all around, but my left side temps were just too high and too hard to manage. Bs took a while to heat up but i could just drive hard on them the whole time. at one point i had to start driving harder because i lost too much temp taking it easy. i've learned to get the most out of these cars you have to use the compounds for temperature NOT wear rate. setup your car and test with compounds until you get the optimal temp (listed in the physics guide, in GameData\Vehicles\F1SR\F1_1991\Historic_Edition). then determine the wear rate for the ideal compound to see how long you can go and plan any pitstops based on that, nothing else. also keep in mind there are differences between goodyear and pirrelli, and i seem to be harder on my tires than most.

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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 9 Oct 2017 - 19:21

and i forgot

such a pity the broadcast suffer again from technical issues Rage

i hope not Jason is talking all the way without hearing them

was so thrilled to watch this  tonight after work..

and 2nd you guys must also say a big thank you to David Sabre ( curbings ) and Brain Janik for his Real 1991 camera work , simply awesome job those guys doing of making the whole 16 tracks accurate as i have it in my head for years!
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Philippe Martinelli
Racing Legend

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Registration date : 2008-12-13

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 10 Oct 2017 - 17:09

A la douzième ce fut la bonne... J'ai enfin pu en terminer une... Avec 1 point comme cerise sur le gâteau  Very Happy .

Je dois remercier Raul mon équipier qui, fidèle à ces habitudes, m'avait envoyé un setup il y a quelques jours  :hello: .

J'étais perdu dans mes réglages et le setup de Raul m'a donné les renseignements qu'il me fallait. Il m'a fallu de la chance aussi pour finir cette course... D'ailleurs j'ai failli accrocher Raul dans les premiers tours, il s'en est fallu de très peu. J'ai fait deux ou trois "visites" de bac à sables qui se sont bien passées et une légère rencontre avec un rail...

Le meilleur c'était la bagarre avec Juha pour la 5ème place :yaa:  
Le plus difficile c'était les 35 premiers tours, avant le passage aux stands et le changement de pneus. La voiture était très sympa à piloter avec des pneus neufs et le réservoir allégé. Je me suis même permis d'attaquer malgré le fait que la voiture "tirait" un peu droite depuis le petit choc sur le rail en début de course.

Bravo David et au podium ainsi qu'à tous les participants (j'ai trouvé le départ bien maitrisé, sans prises de risques inconsidérées, bravo)  :top: .

Merci HSO  :top: . Merci Gérard  Wink  

A la prochaine  Smile
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 10 Oct 2017 - 18:00

Philippe Martinelli wrote:
j'ai trouvé le départ bien maitrisé, sans prises de risques inconsidérées, bravo) :top: .

J'aurai bien aimé dire la même chose, mais regardes le freinage du 6ème virage du 1er tour... :aie:

Tu as réussi à faire avec Raul ce que Martin n'a pas réussi à mon encontre ! :urgence:

Bravo Philippe pour ta belle course ! :top:

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Victor Montenegro
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Victor Montenegro

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 16 Oct 2017 - 1:36

I think François is correct, you see the care with every detail, with the immersive form that you find when riding! this passionate work could not go unnoticed without a big thanks to the HSO and to everyone who did this fantastic job! Cheers! :champ:
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PostSubject: Re: Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]   Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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Round 13 - Grande Prémio de Portugal [Oct 8th]
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