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 Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why?

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3 posters
Marie de Lacrowe
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Marie de Lacrowe

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Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Empty
PostSubject: Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why?   Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Icon_minitimeThu 31 Aug 2017 - 17:13

:urgence: good evening guys

When i save a car with .z3d extension with zmodeler 1
, this file reading it with zmodeler 2 appears black and rotated 180 degrees from the initial version.

To correct this error you need to set some parameters in zmodeler 1 to see the car properly in zmodeler 2 later ?
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why?   Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Icon_minitimeThu 31 Aug 2017 - 17:33

David, there's someone with a question for you. :frank:
Maybe a problem with the pivot point or a flip of the normal orientation, but as a 3ds max user, sorry I can't help you. :smil20:

O.K. Just a little pinprick.
There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah!
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why?   Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Icon_minitimeThu 31 Aug 2017 - 18:57

I don't know why Zmodeler1 and Zmodeler2 have different axis but its easy to reset the axis in ZM2.
Use selected mode and select all of your objects then use Display - Local Axes - Orientation - Reset to world.
Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Imagez10
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Marie de Lacrowe
Club Driver
Marie de Lacrowe

Number of posts : 67
Age : 45
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2015-03-29

Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why?   Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Icon_minitimeThu 31 Aug 2017 - 21:03

Mr David,
I did your advice and the various parts of the car reappeared with the correct light
, I also have to rotate all 180 degrees for correct orientation

Zmodeler 1 is needed for old cars that were built in .mts, but unable to view this extension with zmodeler 2
, I have to save in .z3d that generates this strange behavior between the two software.

Cars saved in .3ds with Zmodeler 1 create bad shadows on the car and therefore can not use this situation.
3DS max should be ideal for doing everything, but besides not knowing it I do not know which file extensions it really is capable of managing.

Very Happy Thank you for your help, I would never have come to do something alone in all these years without some good advice.
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Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why?   Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why? Icon_minitime

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Black car and rotated 180 degrees but why?
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