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 Montreal Formula E Almost

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Bob Holada
Club Driver
Bob Holada

Number of posts : 119
Age : 73
Location : Fort Wayne, Indiana
Registration date : 2016-05-17

Montreal Formula E  Almost Empty
PostSubject: Montreal Formula E Almost   Montreal Formula E  Almost Icon_minitimeThu 3 Aug 2017 - 15:38

My wife and I figured we had the time and money to take a short vacation. Not sure how we ended up selecting Montreal for a three day holiday. Drove up to Windsor Ontario and then took a train to Montreal, Quebec.
Our Hotel was only a 15 minute walk from the train station in downtown Montreal and a couple of blocks from Old Montreal. Our hotel was on a busy boulevard (Boul-René Lévesque) and I noticed that some lanes were closed off for an event. At the hotel the clerk said that there was going to be an electric car race this weekend. I had no clue as to what she was talking about. The blocked off street wasn’t near safe enough for full size cars so I figured maybe it was for radio-controlled cars. But then I overheard someone else talking about Formula E. Finally we determined that the actual race course was about 4 to 5 blocks east of our Hotel. My wife is not a car race fan and we had plenty of sightseeing to do so it seemed very unlikely that we’d attend the race. We did have time early Saturday evening to wander on down to the track and see if we could see anything. The circuit was a rectangle with a chicane added in. (2.4 KM) It was blocked off pretty good. But what little we saw gave the impression of a fairly wide track. I saw some news reports that the drivers liked it. There were 20 cars entered with only two having any chance of winning it seemed. It seemed that the whole event was a publicity stunt thought up by the Mayor. Some uproar about the location of the circuit. The mayor said it would be to expensive to have it at the Formula 1 track (Circuit Gilles Villeneuve). Sunday morning we could hear some electric motor whine if we opened a window. Ended up being a great vacation with very nice weather. I had hoped that I'd see a lot of expensive cars on the street but I think I only saw one car that looked somewhat exotic. A nice side effect was that the Metro and all city busses were free for the whole weekend.
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Montreal Formula E Almost
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