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 rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug

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5 posters
Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeMon 17 Apr 2017 - 20:49

Hey guys, maybe you can help me on that one.

I've got this huge and wonderful mod, the Ultimate GT3 Mod, in it's own install. However, somehow, when I'm in cockpit cam, the virtual mirrors show stuff ahead of the car, and it's even mirrored horizontally! Hood and bumper cam mirrors work without problems... (See pics below.)

rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Grab_010

rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Grab_011

So, what's wrong? I tried moving the seat and the mirrors in all directions, it didn't work.. Really bugs me, does anyone have any kind of solution to that or, maybe, original mirror files (if that's a thing)?
Thanks in advance.

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2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug WEC1983_pAG1
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Richard Coxon
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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeMon 17 Apr 2017 - 20:59

Problem with the mirror file as far as i can tell. I've no idea how to fix it either sorry.

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeMon 17 Apr 2017 - 21:19

My guess is that's it's a way for your computer to beg you not to use modern mods and useless HUD plug-ins Razz ! Have you tried uninstalling the mod and not reinstalling it :D ? Sorry can't help you either but it's kind of a funny bug ^^

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David Sabre
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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeMon 17 Apr 2017 - 22:20

The mirror textures have been mapped incorrectly, if its one car it will be easy to fix, if its every car model then it can be a lot of work.
As for the other crap on the mirrors remove the HUD.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeMon 17 Apr 2017 - 23:10

First of all, I'm asking about help for the mirrors, not about complaining about my choice of Plug-Ins.
That bug appeared today, I've been running that mod for a few days without problem now..

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeMon 17 Apr 2017 - 23:42

Chill, if you can't take a joke you're in the wrong place.

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 0:04

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Chill, if you can't take a joke you're in the wrong place.
I'm not saying I can't take a joke, I'd just like to ask if we could stay focussed on the issue... Shocked :frank:

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug WEC1983_pAG1
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2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug USAC74_14
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 10:35

Does it happen with only one car type?
If it doesn't happen in the other models then that model is set wrong.
Check for updates of the mod.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 12:54

David Sabre wrote:
Does it happen with only one car type?
If it doesn't happen in the other models then that model is set wrong.
Check for updates of the mod.

So far I've only seen this bug appear in that R8. There are no updates for the mod as far as I've been able to research. Gotta test other cars.

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug WEC1983_pAG1
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2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug USAC74_14
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Alberto Ibañez
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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 13:09

In the cockpit info file of each car there are some values for the mirror position and orientation. One of them, can't remember which one, if negative/positive shows what is in front of you and not behind. Try switching them all from positive to negative and viceversa to see if it is solved.

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 14:05

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
In the cockpit info file of each car there are some values for the mirror position and orientation. One of them, can't remember which one, if negative/positive shows what is in front of you and not behind. Try switching them all from positive to negative and viceversa to see if it is solved.

Thank you Alberto, in the Cpit.ini file there was the line MirrorPos=(0.0,0.9,0.4)   and the 0.4 put the mirror in front. I set it to 0.0 and that solved it. Gotta check all the other files of the other cars though, not that there are more..

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug WEC1983_pAG1
2017 Grand Prix of Italy Winner!  rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug ASenna_01
2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug USAC74_14
2018 Can-Am Challenge at Riverside Winner! rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug 7McLaren
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PostSubject: Re: rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug   rFactor Ultimate GT3 mirror bug Icon_minitime

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