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 **HSO Ruling | Silverstone Q1**

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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

**HSO Ruling | Silverstone Q1** Empty
PostSubject: **HSO Ruling | Silverstone Q1**   **HSO Ruling | Silverstone Q1** Icon_minitimeFri 10 Mar 2017 - 1:43

After reviewing Qualifying session 1 and earlier practice laps, the admins have made the following decision:

Alfredo Calzolari and Enrico Fumagalli are both banned from HSO competition indefinitely. This action is being taken because the admins have observed clear evidence of physics cheating.  Accordingly, their entry for the Pace Petroleum 6 Hours has been vacated and the time disallowed.
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**HSO Ruling | Silverstone Q1**
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