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 rFactor won't recognize Wheel?

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5 posters
Lee Simpson
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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitimeWed 8 Mar 2017 - 3:05

I haven't raced since Champ Car 1973 ended, and yesterday I tried to fire up the 88 mod only to find that my wheel didn't work.  I went back and tried 1973 mod and surprisingly, the wheel didn't work there either.

But: the Logitech profiler does recognize the wheel, and lets me calibrate it, and so does Windows 7.  I hooked up and old non Logitech joystick and rFactor doesn't see it either, but Windows 7 does. So I think it is not the wheel.

Any troubleshooting ideas?
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitimeWed 8 Mar 2017 - 12:14

I run with a g25 on windows 10 (and windows 7 before), and all is working perfectly.
I took the driver here : support g27
I installed the drivers using "run as administrator".

Try to uninstall drivers and profiler logitech, unplug your wheel. Restart your pc, and launch the drivers install, and plug your wheel when the installation asks for it.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitimeWed 8 Mar 2017 - 12:16

Another thing you can try, backup your player profile and the rfactor config ini and create a new player profile using a clean new config ini file (Do an rfactor lite install anywhere, grab the config ini and then deleta that install).
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Lee Simpson
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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitimeWed 8 Mar 2017 - 21:43

Thanks for the ideas guys!

Ultimately I did a repair install and--three hours later--that fixed the wheel problem and a control panel problem I was having.

I'm now ready to go. Unless I update to Windows 10 tomorrow. Smile
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitimeSat 10 Mar 2018 - 21:09

I've got the same problem now too.. fired up each of my 4 rF installs (Group C, IndyCars, RallyWorld, mix of mods) up and except for the Indy install, every single one recognizes and detects my wheel.
In my Indy install, it detects movement from my joystick, which is labeled Joy1 but it doesn't detect any movement of my Joy2, which is my Logitech G27 wheel. Every other install has no problem recognizing and detecting both. Should I just copy over my config and profile files from one of the working ones (tried that, only worked for the joystick though) or should I completely wipe and reinstall everything?

Now, for some reason, neither AMS nor any of my rF installs detect it. AMS doesn't even detect it after I refresh the device list..
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Brian Janik
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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitimeSun 11 Mar 2018 - 15:26

In rfactor select/load G2x from list in controller screen?
Try to Re-map an axis in controller screen to see if recognize
Or take a look in folder rfactor/user data/ur name/controller?

Sent from Topic'it App
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitimeSun 11 Mar 2018 - 16:26

Brian Janik wrote:
In rfactor select/load G2x from list in controller screen?
Try to Re-map an axis in controller screen to see if recognize
Or take a look in folder rfactor/user data/ur name/controller?

Sent from Topic'it App

None of that worked.. I reinstalled everything, even my wheel's driver software because at some point it even screwed up the detection in Windows. Now it works; I just gotta get all the tracks, mods, etc. back. Thanks anyways.
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rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor won't recognize Wheel?   rFactor won't recognize Wheel? Icon_minitime

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rFactor won't recognize Wheel?
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