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 [WIP] Mclaren M7 A-D

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Nicolas Peters
Club Driver
Nicolas Peters

Number of posts : 98
Age : 31
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2013-08-09

[WIP] Mclaren M7 A-D Empty
PostSubject: [WIP] Mclaren M7 A-D   [WIP] Mclaren M7 A-D Icon_minitimeTue 7 Mar 2017 - 23:20

Hello gentlemen,

As you know Pixsim is working on his masterpiece, the Charade track. I would like modelling some cars which raced on this track! There is a long list. Some famous, some less famous... But sadly, dimensions of them are quite hard to find. I must say that I dont like really the research part in the modding :mad:

So I decided writing a post to ask some help about this Charade "project". I don't know if I will do one, two or several cars for Charade still. (I think about some F1, F2, 2.0l Sport-Prototype, Formula Ford, Formula Renault... Alpine (as A364, but Pixsim and me need more dimensions about it), Martini,Rondeau M584-M585, Matra, Mclaren and so on....)

The first one is Mclaren M7, I dont know if I will do full versions or if I will do only Charade ones and let the community make the others versions.
So what I have about Mclaren M7 for:
- dimensions
[WIP] Mclaren M7 A-D M7vik2n
- pictures and blueprints

The main problem is the tire dimension indeed.

Thank you everybody for your help, I hope seeing a helpfull community!

If you have this book, can you say to me if there are some datas? I know 56-65 there are some great datas about Ferrari 158-1512 which raced at Charade in 65

Vivemclaren - 3D Modeller - Virtua_LM
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[WIP] Mclaren M7 A-D
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