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 HSO CART 1988 Mod | Request for Beta Testers

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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

HSO CART 1988 Mod | Request for Beta Testers Empty
PostSubject: HSO CART 1988 Mod | Request for Beta Testers   HSO CART 1988 Mod | Request for Beta Testers Icon_minitimeTue 31 Jan 2017 - 21:23

HSO CART 1988 Mod | Request for Beta Testers CART88

The HSO Factory Team is in the process of "buttoning up" our CART 1988 mod for release in March. Prior to this release, we would like to test a beta version of the mod with a small number of HSO members outside the Factory. Specifically, we want to make sure that the mod will not crash when run on 32 bits systems, especially the older ones. If you would be interested in helping us test the mod, please send a PM to Jason White or Richard Coxon. Let us know what operating system you are running and how many bits, as this information will be critical for analyzing the tests.  

**The one condition of helping us test the mod is that it cannot be shared with anyone else, even other HSO members** Please contact us only if you are interested in helping us with the specific concerns we have, not to simply get a sneak peak at the mod or get it before everyone else.  
We appreciate your understanding this rule.  :chinois:
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HSO CART 1988 Mod | Request for Beta Testers
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