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 **HSO Rulings | Interlagos**

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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

**HSO Rulings | Interlagos** Empty
PostSubject: **HSO Rulings | Interlagos**   **HSO Rulings | Interlagos** Icon_minitimeTue 24 Jan 2017 - 1:19

After reviewing Round 2 of the F1 1991 series, the admins have made the following decisions:

Pascal Mikula receives a one race suspension to be served in the F1 1991 series for multiple racing issues:

- Failing to acknowledge blue flags in a timely fashion when being lapped by the lead cars

- Aggressively blocking Michal Janak on the last lap of the race, which caused Michal to hit Pascal and lose his front wing

Pascal has had similar issues in 2016 races, hence the suspension as opposed to a warning. Pascal needs to make a concerted effort to improve his spatial awareness during races.  Repeat incidents of these kinds will draw further disciplinary action from the league.

Jan Kowalski receives a warning for not entering the pits correctly, nearly causing an accident with the cars following him.  He needs to drive in a fashion that makes his intent to pit known.  A repeat incident of this kind will draw disciplinary action from the league.

Miroslav Havlik receives a warning for avoidable contact with Richard Coxon, leading to the latter's retirement.  Miroslav must make an effort to better judge closure rates in future races. A repeat incident of this kind will draw disciplinary action from the league. 

Greg Goissen receives a warning for chatting during the race session, which is unacceptable, regardless of the circumstances.  A repeat incident of this kind will draw disciplinary action from the league.
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