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 I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.

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4 posters
Bob Iriks
Bob Iriks

Number of posts : 36
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Registration date : 2016-12-17

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSat 14 Jan 2017 - 0:30

Hi, Guys.

Testing the FA mod in Gimli, I found this bug while setting the floor of the car in garage. Appears the front-left-corner of the chassis is much higher than the rest of the floor as we can see in this ride height graph.

The version I have is the one from rFactor Central. Not sure if this mod has been updated since that particular release.

My apologies for bringing the bad news. Has there been any others reporting this issue? I tested several cars in the mod and they all do this.  scratch

Lovely mod, but I'm getting a wee bit of unpredictable hook over-steer at entry. This may be the reason why.



I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Bug_zpsj6j8c55p

Last edited by Bob Iriks on Sat 14 Jan 2017 - 6:38; edited 1 time in total
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Bob Iriks
Bob Iriks

Number of posts : 36
Age : 53
Location : California
Registration date : 2016-12-17

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSat 14 Jan 2017 - 6:31

Here is how it should look. This image is the floor of the Formula Ford mod.

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Ford_zpscnkabnbs
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSat 14 Jan 2017 - 14:53

That seems strange, have you tested it at any other tracks.
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSat 14 Jan 2017 - 15:12

It's a bug in the undertray values in the physics file.
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Bob Iriks
Bob Iriks

Number of posts : 36
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Registration date : 2016-12-17

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSat 14 Jan 2017 - 17:32

David Sabre wrote:
That seems strange, have you tested it at any other tracks.

I'll try it out at some other tracks today, Dave.
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Bob Iriks
Bob Iriks

Number of posts : 36
Age : 53
Location : California
Registration date : 2016-12-17

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSat 14 Jan 2017 - 17:32

Richard Wilks wrote:
It's a bug in the undertray values in the physics file.

I think you are correct, Richard.
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Bob Iriks
Bob Iriks

Number of posts : 36
Age : 53
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Registration date : 2016-12-17

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSat 14 Jan 2017 - 22:36

With great help from David Sabre and Richard Wilks, We have sorted out the bug. It appears there was a missing line in the .HDV files for each car. The problem has been solved and I can proceed to update the entire mod if it's okay with HSO.

Thanks again for the help, guys. The car feels great!

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Correct_zpsw8dwnlka
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeSun 15 Jan 2017 - 13:56

will be the upgrade made for today race at Kyalami?
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Bob Iriks
Bob Iriks

Number of posts : 36
Age : 53
Location : California
Registration date : 2016-12-17

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitimeMon 16 Jan 2017 - 1:37

Hi, Guys..

I would just like to take a few minutes to explain how a properly set floor (undertray) of the car in rFactor can benefit your lap times and handling of the car. I am in no means at all trying to pick apart this lovely mod, I'm just trying to help get the best out of it.

In this first graph showing ride height at the floor, I have the nose/front of the floor at maximum height (orange and blue lines), and the rear of the floor (light blue and pink lines) at maximum lowest height in garage settings. We are at meter 370 on the front straight under max aero/vertical load and top speed. We can look at our top speed which is about 205.45 kph which is pretty fast because with the nose in the air, we are floating on a bed of air with very little drag or friction. Now, if we look at the red brackets at the right hand in channels we see that we are at approximately 1067-1107 N of vertical load at the front tires.

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Nose%20up_zpsancu2nv6

In this second graph, I have raked the car so the nose/front of the floor is now slammed as low as possible with the rear of the floor raised as high as possible in garage settings. We lost about 1 kph due to the drag/downforce with the vacuum that is now created with the floor (undertray), but notice the green brackets at the right hand of image in channels, We now have 1196-1178 N of vertical load at the front tires. That's enough to make a considerable difference in handling and tire management. Keep in mind, I never changed the wing angles between these two tests. Only the floor.

I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Raked_zps5mqozzu4

Ideally, We would want a static ride height with a rake at the rear and a spring combination so the car "squats" to a nearly level ride height at top aero/speed load, and then releases to a rake upon lift to create a drag/vertical load for maximum efficiency. I haven't got to use or incorporate the bump-stops yet in setup. Those would be needed in tracks with high compression dips like Eau Rouge for example.

Again, I am in no way dismissing this great mod. I'm only trying to help.

Best luck in your racing.
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I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.   I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod. Icon_minitime

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I think I found a bug in the Formula Atlantic mod.
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