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 Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)

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Bob Wilson
Raul Jereb
Jan Titz
Simon Wattman
Miroslav Havlík
Jacob Fredriksson
Cláudio Augusto
Ben Paulet
Jan Kowalski
Florkin Marc
Philippe Martinelli
Pascal Mikula
Konstantin Zubov
David Jaques
Yves Plaçais
David Sabre
Greg Hunt
Sebastian Vignone
Vincent Beretta
Raymond Riddall
Gérard Ryon
Jason White
Didier Conjeaud
Martin Lacina
Petr Hlavac
Mick Chapman
Juha Bos
Michal Janak
Michael Drechsler
Jonatan Acerclinth
David Jundt
Emmanuel Haas
Richard Coxon
37 posters
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
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Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 21:05

Ready to watch the race from the Humble Lion Café in Montreal :D
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
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Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 21:27

Either Im a total moron, or Im just too exhausted...
I was sure we are on nowdays start/finish line...

I think its a first option.

These cars look just wonderfull.. unfortunately, they reqire some higher skill for competitive driving than I have.
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

Number of posts : 5340
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Registration date : 2012-02-25

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 21:35

Off for an early bath again. Np Jan.
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 21:38

Sadly I had a hardware issue (unplugged my wheel while cleaning it on Friday night and plugged it into a USB 3 port instead of a 2) and so I was sensing some small input lags while driving in Q but didn't feel it during the last bits of it so thought it was ok but unfortunately it wasn't.

Had a slide in the 2nd chicane and corrected it and my input froze in that position and it sent me into the wall Sad

Oh well, good luck to everyone and sorry for going out with such a stupid issue Crying or Very sad
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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

Number of posts : 777
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Registration date : 2008-11-28

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 21:40

The Ferrari was feeling very well here, i did a misshift and the end turn around. Big points should have been possible pale
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
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Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 21:50

For christ's sake, I blew an engine again! :doh:

Shifted back to third at the first chicane and saw flames spitting out of the back.

I was even running in the points earlier, before Yves was catching up and I suffered one of those slow spins.

I took precautions to last until the end, now I look like an imbecile for blowing up well before the closing stages geek

But even I couldn't push the Brabham into the Top Ten during the qualifying. I feel like I am not part of the top drivers here anymore, the way I suck at hotlaps and getting nowhere in the race Sad
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 22:42

Before watching today's race, I walked the actual Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve. Very quiet and cold, but it was great to see the circuit again, 20 years after I attended the 1996 Canadian Grand Prix.
photos here: https://flic.kr/s/aHskHyJcmF

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 31137883732_b618a17484_c
Quiet garages by Jason White, on Flickr

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 31137882582_b2990a8062_c
Starting Grid by Jason White, on Flickr

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 30460612554_8805d95c05_c
Salut Gilles by Jason White, on Flickr

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 30460610914_a243743669_c
View from the starter's stand by Jason White, on Flickr

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 30460614024_cea178845e_c
left-right chicane by Jason White, on Flickr

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 30460613144_87aac9c3a5_c
Montreal skyline by Jason White, on Flickr
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 22:44

Looks so bare without the grandstands.

Great pics
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
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Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 22:54

I'd also like to give a great thank you to Jonatan for his help on race day. I am quite sure his tips made me a bit faster today.

It's just a shame I couldn't do more.

On the run onto the straights, people were quickly catching me up by several tenths, I have no clue if the Brabham is just bad on acceleration due to heavy V12 and missing ground effect, but I drove the wheels off and Michel and Yves were closing in as if it was nothing.

Nice, harmonious pictures Jason! :top:
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Registration date : 2012-02-25

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 23:27

Nice broadcast guys. :clap:
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Bob Wilson
Club Driver
Bob Wilson

Number of posts : 180
Age : 86
Location : Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Registration date : 2016-03-15

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 23:31

Very well done...Very Professional!
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 23:32

Final Points are up  :flag:
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Registration date : 2016-05-11

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 23:35

A disappointing race from my side, I made a mess of this one.

In qualifying I was nowhere near my teammate Michal. At the start I missed the countdown and didn't have the best of getaways. After a few slow opening laps I improved my pace gradually and picked up places as others introduced themselves to the barriers. I got up to eight place and even seventh when Yves made a pitstop. My plans to mount a proper defence against Yves faltered when I let Petr through and Yves outdragged me. I tried to keep up but Yves was having none of it. The fun ended when I nudged a wall and got a puncture. The pitstop made me drop back to tenth and I just cruised to the finish, fighting boredom having no target left to aim for.

Thanks for organising this, really enjoyed it. :top:
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Registration date : 2008-12-15

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2016 - 23:44

Bravo HSO pour ce championnat.

Et surtout un grand merci à Greg pour son aide tout au long de la saison. Les setups, les conseils sur les trajectoires, la préparation des courses, les entrainements, les coups de pompes au cul aprés les courses ratées. J'ai beaucoup appris.

Merci mate.

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Michael Drechsler
Pro Driver
Michael Drechsler

Number of posts : 671
Age : 46
Location : Aachen, Germany
Registration date : 2016-03-11

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 0:06

Not bad for a race of which I didn't expect much and was largely a pretty uninspired drive by me. I hadn't had much chance to test and set up the car properly during the week, and my first proper long run test came yesterday - which reveiled I've got to expect a troubled day. The car was very difficult to drive, and I had no grip at all. And slow as a turd as well. I found a couple of things in the qualifying which I applied to the race setup, and off to the grid we went.

Start was okay, could make up a few positions, but approaching the final corner for the first time, I completely missed my braking point and I was lucky to collect no one. Not the smartest idea to use the shading on the racing line as reference, when other cars are driving on it...

...well, dead last and happy not to have hit anyone or anything, so I started my charge. It took me a while to get a proper feel for the car, then I could come closer to the group in front of me, with the two Surtees, a Lotus and another car I can't recall. Two of them made it easy for me and spun out, and I was able to overtake Emanuel Haas in the Beta Tools-Surtees. 13th, and the Lotus in front of me was slowly getting away. But as it became a race of attrition, one car after another abandoned the race, and all of a sudden, I was in 9th, ahead of Emanuel and well behind Juha. Some time inbetween, my wheel developed a problem and I always had to steer to the right on the straights. That was quite irritating and took me some time to get adjusted to it. And the same in reverse when the wheel decided to be straight again... Shocked I had a couple of close moments and a few visits to the grass, but I was able get home without damaging the car, which wasn't all that bad on that narrow track with the walls so close. Tires were pretty much shot, but surprisingly, with less fuel, the balance got better and my laptimes didn't really drop off. And thanks to Juhas mishap, I was able to finish in an unexpected 8th position. How's that for an 'I don't give a damn'-race? Wink

Thanks for organizing the series, I mostly had fun even though I've been stumbling from one bucket to another on a race-to-race base. Let's see what I'll make next season in F1. I'm sure there's always a crap wagon waitin' for me Wink
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Didier Conjeaud
Club Driver
Didier Conjeaud

Number of posts : 166
Age : 64
Location : Toulouse, France
Registration date : 2011-12-12

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 0:07

Pas vraiment inspiré par ce tracé fait de chicanes et d'épingles......je me retrouve très vite avec personne autour de moi, et ces tours en solitaire vont avoir raison de ma concentration.....un tout droit à la première chicane envoie la Lotus dans le rail de face....et elle a pas aimé ... :hihi:

Un grand merci à HSO pour l'organisation de cette saison en tous points remarquable, à l'ensemble des pilotes pour leur fair play (enfin pas tous.... :spy: ), à Gérard Ryon pour nos échanges d'infos et de set up tout au long de la saison, et bravo à lui pour cette 2eme place finale au Champ, parce que même avec une Lotus il fallait le faire !

Et félicitations à Greg pour ce titre.....Beaucoup de talent et surement beaucoup de travail pour arriver à ce résultat...Bravo :top:

RDV en 2017 pour les championnats qui se courent le Dimanche soir....c'est un créneau qui me convient bien.

Merci et à bientôt :hello:
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
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Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 0:15

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 0:16

Well done again Greg, you drove superbly all year.  :top:
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Registration date : 2012-02-25

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 0:22

Congrats Greg. :first:

:top: :clap: for everyone who raced.
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Emmanuel Haas
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Registration date : 2016-02-13

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 0:59

Tout d'abord, encore une fois, bravo à l'organisation HSO pour ce championnat de très grande qualité. On se retrouve ici dans une immersion totale. Félicitations à toute l'équipe pour ce superbe championnat F1 1978. Vraiment un grand bravo ! Merci de donner de votre temps pour que l'on puisse s'amuser avec ces championnats de qualité !

A mon niveau, je me suis bien amusé même si cela a été un peu compliqué pour moi de m'évaluer avec un Mod où les voitures ont des performances différentes ... Je retiendrai cependant de cette saison, mon unique point marqué à Monaco, sur la Théodore - Cosworth, pour ma 2ème course ici. Cela me permet d'avoir mon nom au classement final du championnat de F1 1978 HSO de la saison 2016 et j'en suis assez fier au final.

Félicitations à Gregoire Goissen ainsi qu'à tous les pilotes qui nous ont offerts de magnifiques grilles de départ. C'est vraiment beau et je pense que ce plateau de qualité a aussi contribué à la belle réussite de ce championnat ... J'espère y avoir aussi contribué à mon niveau ...

Pour l'année prochaine, j'espère avoir une place de titulaire pour ce championnat F1 1991 et si je me réjouissais d'avoir un Mod pas trop vieux, je n'avais pas fait attention que lors de votre dernière saison avec ce Mod, la grille de départ était limitée à 26 voitures ... J'espère pouvoir me qualifier pour toutes les courses si vous retenez cette règle ... Ca va être dur ... Mais je ferai de mon mieux  Smile

Merci encore à tous ! J'espère vraiment faire partie de la prochaine saison ... Les places sont chères ici mais bon, c'est normal ... C'est la rançon de la gloire ...
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Martin Lacina
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Martin Lacina

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Registration date : 2016-02-16

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 8:11

Again. Good result in qualy where i got wery good position in top ten but in the race at the start ihave a short fight with Juha. After Juhas mistake i drove alone on good 12 position and step by step i was closer to the groupe in front of me. Then i couldnt tame a renault in one of the long exit corner and hitted the wall. This mod is was very enjoyable but in my first season on HSO without any good result. In next season i have to work on reliability in the race because less than 30 % finished races is really bad.
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Petr Hlavac
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Petr Hlavac

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Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2015-01-11

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 12:08

Curling might not look like a physical game, but trust me, after 14 hours on the ice in two days, the whole body hurts. Lots of booze, four hours of sleep and three hours drive back home certainly don't help. The only thing wanted to do was to take a shower and go to bed. Well, there was a race to go  :aie:

I qualified below my expectations, I could be third. Start was a little messy, as I had a Lotus ahead of me. Don't know what it is that makes this car get off so poorly, but it has been happening throughout the whole season. First I had to pass Vincent which didn't take long. Then I pushed to chase and pass Gerard and focused on Greg. We'll, it was a lost fight right from the start. I tried to keep the distance, but I had to save the tyres, as the wear was enormous. Then I started to struggle with myself. My back hurt like hell, I was literally falling asleep. I had a massive moment with three laps to go, as I got beached on one of the curbs. Thankfully, I kept it going, the engine survived and the 50s time loss didn't matter. Crossing the finish line was a blessing and I could finally crash into my bed (I woke up half an hour ago  :hihi: ).

Obviously, congratulations to Greg to his dominant victory and a well deserved championship title. But most importantly, it's the HSO who deserves the praise. The mod is fantastic, cars lovely to drive, organisation is flawless, the live coverages are a huge added value, atmosphere and the excited community around these races is just amazing. The whole package is simply second to none and I feel blessed to be a part of it. Can't wait for the future here at HSO Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 3108518133 :top:
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 12:39


is it possible for you to capture the skyline in a horizon photo so you can make a skybox and texture for it
so i can use it in the 91 trackpack for the 88 version

would be awesome
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 18:36

Gratulations to Greg btw, someone must have found a setup trick with these ground-effect cars.

I might test the Lotus, but I am doubting that I could have beaten these 31's.

Btw: If someone is going to take pictures, take one of my "Barbecue-Festival" on lap 13 at the first chicane lol!
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Raymond Riddall
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Raymond Riddall

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Registration date : 2015-08-03

Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th)   Round 16 - Montréal (Nov 27th) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2016 - 19:41

Sorry I wasn't there guys as I felt unwell so could not race.

This has been a brilliant championship ,I've had some great battles and with virtually full grids what more could I ask for.(well maybe a Lotus). Seriously though the admin deserve a big pat on the back, a lot of time and effort must go into this so we can race on a regular basis.

Thanks guys Ray.
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