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 rFactor Drifting (ProjectD)

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Are you drifting in rFactor?
rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_lcap11%rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_rcap
 11% [ 1 ]
rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_lcap67%rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_rcap
 67% [ 6 ]
I tried
rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_lcap11%rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_rcap
 11% [ 1 ]
I'm learning to
rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_lcap11%rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Vote_rcap
 11% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 9

Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Empty
PostSubject: rFactor Drifting (ProjectD)   rFactor Drifting (ProjectD) Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct 2016 - 13:42

So, I'd like to know, after I've installed the ProjectD 2.3 mod for rFactor, if and with which mods/cars you guys like to drift and what the chances are that (as a fun race) some of us would do some drifting online Wink

I've also found a nice track (not really for drifting but I love it) which is basically a lap around the Nurburg (start in the pits of the Nordschleife) with some offroad driving :D
I've recorded a run on it and here it is:

I hope you like the idea of a drifting race, and yes, that idea came to me literally an hour before I recorded that video :D :D
Cheers! :hello:
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rFactor Drifting (ProjectD)
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