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 Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)

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4 posters
Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
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Registration date : 2016-05-11

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeMon 19 Sep 2016 - 21:08

Despite spending a lot of time watching and sitting in rally cars, I have an (almost) yearly habit of making a trek to Spa for the six hour historic race.

The main race caters for pre 66 GT and touring cars. It starts at 4 PM (theoretically) and runs into the night to 10 PM. The entries are quite varied, the lower half of the field contains hoards of MG B's, Mustangs, Elans, and oddities likes a Gilbern or a Morgan SLR. The sharp end however is reserved for the Ford GT40 - there were 11 of them and with the limited presence of the usual Cobra opposition they qualified... P1-P11. Pole was set by some bloke called Gerhard Berger, who shared the car with Paolo Barilla, I didn't check if he was wearing his New Man overalls, and Richard Meaden.

Take your pick, that's all 11 of them heading towards Les Combes, Berger leading.

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_3186

I didn't last long, one hour into the race the suspension broke - didn't look too pleased.

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_3676

The race was won, obviously, by a GT40, the #6 car driven by Wright/Gans/Wolfe. The red one in the background had WTCC driver Rob Huff among its drivers, it finished fifth.

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_3733

"Fill her up please." (for the record, this was taken mid-race, no refuelling in the pitlane)

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_4674

The rest of the weekend was quite nice to watch too. :D

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_4941

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_1112

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_1278

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_1728

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_2317

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_2444

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_2859

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_3130

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_2983

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_3481

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_3875

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) IMG_3528
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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2016 - 0:17

A-ha! Been there this weekend, too, just haven't gotten around to transfer my photos from the camera. Generally nice racing, again, some oddities on the track I haven't seen before (Gilbern and Peerless come to mind), though I think the grid didn't have the quality of last year. Weather was surprisingly good, though, ended up with a sunburn.

But a couple of things spoiled the fun a bit for me. Me loosing part of a tooth, now that's bad luck, but also I haven't seen anyone selling programmes this year, some oddly mixed races, but the fact you had to buy food vouchers this time really put me off.

Nice photos, by the way. Seems you get into places I can't access... Wink
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2016 - 17:06

Well you can access those places but you'd get thrown out quickly. :D I had a media accreditation because I do a bit of writing and photography for a magazine too.

I agree with you on the mixed grids, but it doesn't shock me. The 6 Hours has (or had) Minis sharing a track with GT40's, the fastest car this year qualified in 2.43, the slowest in 3.33, so I'm used to seeing cars of very different speeds on the track at the same time. What I regret is the U2TC grid being reduced to "back of the grid" status as it now has to share its slot with another group of cars which isn't anywhere near as closely matched as the U2TC.

Sorry about your tooth, but remember, Motorsport is Dangerous!
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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2016 - 21:24

Juha Bos wrote:
Well you can access those places but you'd get thrown out quickly. :D I had a media accreditation because I do a bit of writing and photography for a magazine too.
And a fashionable purple vest, I suppose? lol!
Getting a proper camera that allows me to use my 300mm lens would help greatly, I suppose, but inside La Source is definitely a dream of me Smile

Quote :
I agree with you on the mixed grids, but it doesn't shock me. The 6 Hours has (or had) Minis sharing a track with GT40's, the fastest car this year qualified in 2.43, the slowest in 3.33, so I'm used to seeing cars of very different speeds on the track at the same time. What I regret is the U2TC grid being reduced to "back of the grid" status as it now has to share its slot with another group of cars which isn't anywhere near as closely matched as the U2TC.
It was the HSCC races (#12) which left me a bit puzzled, with mid '50s GTs, mid '70s protos and late '70s tourers in one field. A lot of cars that would have fitted well in other races, but in one race, that mixture was absolutely weird.

Quote :
Sorry about your tooth, but remember, Motorsport is Dangerous!
Especially eating sandwiches during motorsport events! :aie:
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeTue 20 Sep 2016 - 21:33

Gerhard Berger! :clap:
Nice Photo!! Great event! Very Happy
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Florkin Marc
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Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeThu 22 Sep 2016 - 21:39

J'étais là aussi avec une veste Médias presse.
Beau meeting, j'ai fais un reportage pour les formules juniors.
J'ai un amis qui roule en F1 historic, c'est François Rivet (March de 1980), j'ai passé la course de dimanche avec lui.

Marcus :hello:
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Florkin Marc
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Number of posts : 846
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Location : Liège-Belguim
Registration date : 2008-11-18

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeThu 22 Sep 2016 - 21:42

Ah oui, j'ai oublié de féliciter Juha pour ses belles photos.
Quel appareil?
Beau coup d'oeil du photographe

Marcus :top:
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2016-05-11

Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitimeThu 22 Sep 2016 - 22:44

Merci. Wink

J'ai un Canon 7D avec des objectifs 17-40 F4, 70-200 F4 et 300 F4 (Canon pour les 3).
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Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)   Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one) Icon_minitime

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Spa Six Hours 2016 (the non-WEC one)
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