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 Number one selling sports car in Germany is the Mustang?

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Mike Becnel
Racing Legend
Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
Age : 56
Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

Number one selling sports car in Germany is the Mustang? Empty
PostSubject: Number one selling sports car in Germany is the Mustang?   Number one selling sports car in Germany is the Mustang? Icon_minitimeMon 11 Apr 2016 - 5:10

I would give important body parts as payment to drive my Mustang 5.0 on the autobahn. I had the pleasure of driving a diesel BMW 3 series wagon there and truly enjoyed it when not moving over for the Porsches and Audis. I'd love to climb up their tail pipes in the new Mustang.

Number one selling sports car in Germany is the Mustang? 458
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Number one selling sports car in Germany is the Mustang?
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