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 Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]

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Joel Sixou
Mick Chapman
Matt Geddes
Matthias Weber
Philippe Martinelli
Pascal Le pihive
Jacob Fredriksson
David Sabre
Gérard Ryon
Konstantin Zubov
Raymond Riddall
Yves Plaçais
Ludovic Tiengou
Steve Settanta
Luca Lazzarato
Michal Janak
Martin Lacina
Pascal Mikula
Petr Hlavac
Jan Kowalski
Glenn Corliss
Dana Schurer
Ben Paulet
27 posters
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Joel Sixou
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Joel Sixou

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 17:19

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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 18:20

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Jose Berenguer
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Jose Berenguer

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 18:31

:conduit: :top:
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 18:47

again looong disco, it happening only on F5000
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 19:33

Sorry, for late launching race server.
I can't race tonight, be cool guys; :frank:
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 19:35

absent Embarassed
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Petr Hlavac
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Petr Hlavac

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:24

Connection lost Crying or Very sad
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Matt Geddes

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2015-01-05

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:38

Trying to join, but games keeps saying session closed Sad
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:46

Matt Geddes wrote:
Trying to join, but games keeps saying session closed Sad
That happens when you are too late, the race has begun.
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
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Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:53

PB in quali session nice strat place

but someones too much braking to T1 lost my race (I didn count that He will brake so much when there was no reason - clear track), lost more tham lap i pits and the cars wasnt OK at all
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Matthias Weber
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Matthias Weber

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:54

I cannot believe, half an hour could be that exhausting :aie:
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:56

Woooow, Lime Rock really is a bull-ring! Such a simple layout, so short, yet so intense and so difficult to get a proper lap in! Just a reminder to y'all, blue flags matter also in qualifying. Did not have any problems with lappers in the race, but plenty of daft moments in qually.

Did quite well after all. 5th on the grid, and a lightning start guaranteed me 3rd. Tried to keep up with Jan and Greg, but they slipped away. Gz guys.
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 20:57

Non mais c'est quoi ce manque de fair play de certains?
Jose m'a foutu deux suppos pas super justifiés. Le premier abime mon aileron et manque m'envoyer dans le décor. Le pire c'est qu'il était à un tour derriere moi à ce moment là. Du coup j'ai du faire une enorme partie de la course avec une voiture devenu hyper survireuse suite à ce choc. Pu.... il allait plus vite que moi. Il avait juste à attendre un peu et doubler proprement. Ray l'a fait pourquoi pas lui?

Pire il remet le couvert quand il revient sur moi. Allez bam suppo dans le dernier virage et voiture déjà pas stable qui se met à zizaguer. Un miracle qu'elle m'est pas echappé pour le coup.

Au final. Qualifs que je passe à la trappe car j'ai vu tout de suite que je serais derriere et loin derriere quoi qu'il arrive. Puis course de m... (ca aide pas une voiture endomagée par les autres) pour une piste de m...(j'ai toujours detesté Lime Rock) qui me donne un résultat de m... (la pire des places au final).
Un seul bon point: je vois le damier (petite consolation après toutes mes em.... sur les pistes qui me convenaient)

Apologies to Dana. I was thinking you'll go outside when you took me a lap. So I stay inside and shut inadvertly the door. Sorry about that.
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Matthias Weber
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Matthias Weber

Number of posts : 520
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Location : Remscheid, Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-06

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 21:01

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Zcpsxo88

wanted to fly in qualifying, but didn't work well xD
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Matt Geddes

Number of posts : 10
Age : 44
Location : Washington
Registration date : 2015-01-05

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 21:06

Apologies to everyone, I didn't get the time difference worked out correctly, I was an hour behind.
Does CET have daylight savings or something like that?

anyway, hope everyone had a great race, and I hope to see you all at Riverside
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Jacob Fredriksson
Racing Legend
Jacob Fredriksson

Number of posts : 1047
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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 21:33

Oh, and congrats to Gregoire for securing the championship!  :hello: :champ:
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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

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Registration date : 2008-11-28

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 21:56

First of all congrats to Greg for winning the championship Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 3108518133 :first:  Really great achivement with this car.

Round itself

I was very happy with the track after i worked a little bit for getting a good setup. In fact the car was very nice over bumps and the jumps over the hill went well too. So in qualifying i reached pole with low 48 seconds on time table.
At the starting grid Greg jumped from 3rd to 1st and getting into turn 1 with the lead. I was chasing him a while and tried to keep in touch for an opportunity to pass.
After a while we reached backmarkers and the battle went more intense. On lap 14 (i think) i passed him into turn 2, but we tangled at turn 3 and got both onto the grass. So i had to close to gap again and after a few laps the next guys to be lapped appeared. This time i overtook on the start/finish straight which was very close and got into 1st at turn 1. I made a little mistake at turn 2 and had wheelspin when accelerating for turn 3 so we touched again with Greg getting on the grass at nearly the same part of the track. After that i could stay in front and increase the gap to 4 sec at the last lap.

Happy about the tough  :first: . Congrats to podium and all finishers.

Now looking forward for Anderstorp for beating the Brabhams :slurp: :clap: Ken Tyrrell is furious about that so called "fan" :D
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Vincent Beretta
Racing Legend
Vincent Beretta

Number of posts : 1398
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Location : France
Registration date : 2008-12-15

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Apr 2016 - 23:36

Bravo Greg, :top:
Champion F5000 2016
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Pascal Le pihive
Experienced Driver
Pascal Le pihive

Number of posts : 311
Age : 54
Location : HYERES
Registration date : 2013-01-18

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2016 - 8:41

:regl: RECLAMATION :Evil or Very Mad

Bien qu’à terme cela n’ait aucune influence sur la victoire au championnat du leader, je souhaite porter réclamation une fois n’est pas coutume sur le fait de course suivant qui pour moi justifiait au minimum d’un stop and go voir d’une pénalité plus conséquente.
Je souhaiterai donc attirer l’attention de nos administrateurs pour ne pas dire « modérateurs », sur le départ de bûcheron de Greg Evil or Very Mad qui dans un premier temps se place volontairement en épi sur la grille et dans un second temps (forcément) vu sa position au départ, me balance dans la pelouse et accessoirement  me propulse directement de la deuxième place en grille à la huitième au premier virage, sans parler du foutoir que cela à provoquer sur le reste de la grille et la difficulté de résorber un handicap de six places sur ce circuit.
Donc et pour éviter que cela ne se reproduise et ne dégénère (nos leaders étant aussi et surtout là pour montrer l’exemple), j’en appelle donc à l’autorité pour statuer et décider ce qui leur semble juste.

PC : Ce qui ne lève rien à la qualité de pilote virtuel et de compétiteur de Greg, évidemment.:clap:


Although eventually it has no influence on the victory in the championship of the leader, I wish to complaint a fact of race, whom for me justified at least a stop and go or more consequent penalty.

I shall wish to take attention of our administrators not to say "moderators", on the start of lumberjack of Greg, who, in first place voluntarily take a false place on the grid and secondly (necessarily) seen its position, rocks me in the grass and additionally propels to me directly of the second place to the eighth in the first curve, not to mention the shambles that it cause on the rest of the field and the difficulty reducing a handicap of six places
Thus and to avoid that it reproduces and degenerates (our leaders being also and above all there to show the example), I thus call it to the authority to rule and decide what seems to them just.

PC: what raises nothing in the quality of virtual driver and competitor of Greg, obviously.
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2016 - 22:22

apres avoir dépasser les 2 pilotes devant moi au départ, j ai tout donne pour rester en tete , mais Jan etait trop rapide et apres 20 tours en tete avec lui accroché a mon aileron arriere ,  mon pneu avant gauche étant surchauffé , je ne pouvais plus luter .

well done Jan

2 eme de la course :second:   et le titre de champion F 5000 HSO 2016 :first: :champ: :first: :champ:
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2016 - 14:11

J'ai répondu à la réclamation par mp. :frank:
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Pascal Le pihive
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Pascal Le pihive

Number of posts : 311
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Registration date : 2013-01-18

Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2016 - 14:46

Bravo Greg :hello:

un exploit avec la Voiture dont tu disposes :clap:
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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]   Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th] - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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Round 6 - Lime Rock Grand Prix - Lime Rock [April 13th]
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