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 1973 USAC National Championship - Schedule

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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

1973 USAC National Championship - Schedule Empty
PostSubject: 1973 USAC National Championship - Schedule   1973 USAC National Championship - Schedule Icon_minitimeThu 3 Mar 2016 - 16:04

Each track will be made available for download in the relevant race topic.

# Map Date Event Circuit (length) Laps Distance
11973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 221
Mar 20 Texas 200 
Texas World Speedway 
(2.0 miles)
100 200 miles
2-3 1973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 208
Apr 10 Trentonian Split 300
Trenton International Speedway
(1.5 miles) 
2 heats,
100 laps each 
300 miles total 
41973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 210
May 22* 
Indianapolis 500 
Indianapolis Motor Speedway 
(2.5 miles)
500 miles 
51973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 199
Jun 12 
Rex Mays Classic
Wisconsin State Fair Speedway 
(1.0 miles)
150 miles 
61973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 222Jul 17 
Schaefer 500 
Pocono International Raceway
(2.5 miles) 
500 miles 
71973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 202
Sep 11 
Michigan 200 
Michigan International Speedway 
(2.0 miles) 
200 miles 
81973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 199
Sep 25 
Tony Bettenhausen 200 
Wisconsin State Fair Speedway 
(1.0 miles)
200 miles 
9-10  1973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 223
Oct 16 
California 500
Qualification Heats
Ontario Motor Speedway
(2.5 miles) 
2 heats, 
40 laps each 

each heat
100 miles
111973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 223
Oct 23 
California 500 
Ontario Motor Speedway 
(2.5 miles)
500 miles 
12-13    1973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 202
Nov 6 
Michigan Twin 125s 
Michigan International Speedway 
(2.0 miles) 
2 heats,
63 laps each 
252 miles total 
141973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 208
Nov 20 
Trenton 200 
Trenton International Speedway
(1.5 miles)
201 miles 
151973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 221
Dec 4 
Texas 200 
Texas World Speedway
(2.0 miles)
200 miles 
161973 USAC National Championship - Schedule 224
Dec 18 Arizona 150 Phoenix International Raceway
(1.0 miles)
150150 miles
*The Indianapolis test server will be launched on May 1; Qualifying for Round 4 will take place on May 15.
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