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 NZ Goldstar mid 60's

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2 posters
Eric Daon
Experienced Driver
Eric Daon

Number of posts : 341
Age : 65
Location : Rouen
Registration date : 2008-12-12

NZ Goldstar mid 60's Empty
PostSubject: NZ Goldstar mid 60's   NZ Goldstar mid 60's Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 16:39


I am looking for information on the New Zealand championship Goldstar mid-60 which completed the Tasman Series races.

To make a carset, like the one I made for Australians goldstar
NZ Goldstar mid 60's Goldst11
Besides, if you have color photos of these cars I am interested

PS : Does anyone know put the BT10 "back cover" on the  BT11; for what looks more like a BT11A?

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Eric Daon
Experienced Driver
Eric Daon

Number of posts : 341
Age : 65
Location : Rouen
Registration date : 2008-12-12

NZ Goldstar mid 60's Empty
PostSubject: Re: NZ Goldstar mid 60's   NZ Goldstar mid 60's Icon_minitimeSat 13 Feb 2016 - 23:48

NZ Goldstar mid 60's 8510
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

NZ Goldstar mid 60's Empty
PostSubject: Re: NZ Goldstar mid 60's   NZ Goldstar mid 60's Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar 2016 - 11:04

The ANZCC 1.5-litre Formula Championship was not the NZ Gold Star series, it was what F2 was to F1, i.e. the lower formula Wink

The 1965 ANZCC Road Racing Gold Star was run to Formule Libre rules, although most of the schedule was made of the NZ races of the Tasman Cup Series which was run to 2.5-litre Tasman Formula rules. The schedule was as follows :

1. 1964 Nov 14, Renwick 50 (Libre)
2. 1965 Jan 9, New Zealand International GP, Pukekohe (Tasman)
3. 1965 Jan 16, Levin International (Tasman)
4. 1965 Jan 23, Lady Wigram Trophy, Wigram Airfield (Tasman)
5. 1965 Jan 30, Teretonga International (Tasman)
6. 1965 Feb 6, Dunedin Road Race (Libre)
7. 1965 Feb 13, Waimate 50 (Libre)

N/C races :

1964 Nov 21 (or 28 ?) Fred Zambucka Trophy,  Levin (Tasman)
1964 Dec 26, Auckland Trophy, Pukekohe (Tasman)
1965 Jan 16, Vic Hudson Memorial Trophy, Levin (Tasman, in fact a qualifying heat for the Levin International)
1965 March XX, Matamata (Libre)
1965 March XX, Levin (Libre)
1965 Apr XX, Dunlop Open Trophy, Pukekohe (Libre)
1965 Nov 6, Ivon Parton Trophy,  Pukekohe (Tasman)

Next race was the Nov 13 Renwick 50, first race of the 1966 Gold  Star.

Same points system as the one for the 1.5 series, with the best five out of seven results counting. Championship standings :

1) Palmer 47
2) Riley 26
3) Buchanan 19
4) Grant 17
5) Levis 17
6) Boyd 10
7) Thomasen 9
8) Sager 8
9) Stanton 7
10) Lawrence 7
11) Dawson 6
12) Flowers 5
13) Abernathy 3
14) Porter 1

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